Chapter Sixteen - Dean in Heaven Part 2

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Dean stood in the kitchen as he clenched a chilled glass of water until his knuckles were white. All he wanted was some conversation or some type of action. Days had seemed to roll by with silence and a numbing nothingness. He felt so useless and lazy that he almost wished they had put him in hell instead of heaven.

"I dont think you would have wanted that." A man's voice came from the dining room of the cabin.

Dean almost dropped his glass, but turned to see a man with white eyes, just staring lovingly at Dean. Before he could speak, the man stood and walked over to where Dean was standing. He was clean shaven and seemed to be the most normal looking frame of a man.

"Who are you?" Dean asked as he raised his eyebrows and looked this man over again.

"God." The man chuckled heartedly and turned to make his way into the living room. "Why dont you sit down, son? There are some things that need to be spoken."

Dean set his glass on the counter and followed this Man with disbelief and utter curiousity. Deep inside, he was calm and believed that this was really God. But a part of him was growing scared, for he had slept with one of God's angels.

Dean sat down and noticed God was already relaxed back into the couch that Jo had once sat. His whole presence was so at ease and laid back that no part of Dean's body was anxious or strained anymore.

"This is about Cas, as you have guessed." God spoke quietly and kept His soft gaze upon Dean's face.

Dean cleared his throat and crossed his leg over his lap. "Have you come here to send me packing?"

God chuckled, the noise made butterflies gather in Dean's stomach. "What would make you think that, My child?

Dean shrugged and started to pick nervously at the seam of his jeans. "I had sex with one of your angels... and we are both men." Dean felt his face flush. "As far as I hear it, we are damned to hell."

God shook his head lightly and felt a profound frown crease His face. "How misguided humanity is. You love Cas, and Cas loves you. There is no possible reason for me to stand in the way of love. I created it for everyone, and therefore I must not destroy it for that would just be idiotic. As for him being an angel, when this is all over, you will have your human mate. Cas will stay on Earth with you, and live out his life. And when the two of you grow old together, and life is fullfilling, there will be a spot up here for the two of you."

Dean almost couldnt believe the optimism and plain goodness that God was speaking to him. His silence seemed to wear on as he anxiouslty tried to come up with an approprate answer to all of this.

"You dont need an answer. This was never a question." God stood up and stretched his hands over his head before his pure eyes fell on Dean's. "I created you, Dean Winchester, in the image of myself. I love no human above any other, but you hold a special place to me. I know the difficulties I have put you through, and I understand your anger toward me, but one day, hopefully not too soon, we can sit at another cabin and talk over everything that has happened. One day, when you bitterness slips away and you are content. Maybe then, will you see the true impact of your actions as a hero. Until then, protect yourself."

"Wait-" Dean stood up and too his chance to ask the question that has always went unanswered. "Why me?"

This caused a great snort to come from God as His eyes rolled, even in plain white, and He held out his hand and grasped Dean's shoulder. "You are the champion, Dean. And one day you'll come to realize it. Your soul is worth all of this. It isn't hard to understand."

Then He left, giving Dean a final wayward smile, He turned his back to his champion and just waltzed out of one of one of his old cabins. Leaving Dean to stand there in more silence and truly come to terms with what God had said.

Part 2

He began to get intense cabin fever only a few gory hours after speaking with God. All that ran through his mind was Cas and the blessing God had given them. Now with this weight of their love off of his shoulders, Dean finally felt prepared to die for Castiel. He was finally ready to face this war with a champions face.

"Bought time." A small voice chuckled to Dean's right.

He was struck with panic as he looked over to see his younger self staring at him with childishly ignorant green eyes.

"Dean." The kid laughed and mirrored a look of mock horror from Dean's face.

"What the hell are you doing in heaven?" Dean's mind raced as he still kept his eyes intently on himself.

Small Dean shrugged and picked something off of the table and flicked it without a second thought. "How the hell should I know? I'm just a kid." Then he snickered and winked. "I am pretty much a figment of your imagination."

"Great." Dean scoffed. "Now I have to sit here and deal with my deep rooted childhood issues."

"You wouldn't have to deal with them, if you weren't such a stubborn mule about everything." Younger Dean scooted down to the floor and crossed his legs Indian style. He patted a place on the floor beside him and without another word, army men appeared across the hard wood.

Dean, mesmerized by this old game he had put so much time into, knelt down and crosse his own bow legs so that he could watch himself.

"Stubborn mule about what?" Dean puffed and started to fidget with one of the grenade throwers.

"Everything, dumbass." Little Dean snickered lightly and began to form his men in a line. He stuck two men out front, amazingly one was wearing a trenchcoat with wide spread wings. The other, was all too familiar to Dean by the plaid shirt and the short spiked hair.


"Shh. All you do is talk. Watch." Small Dean knelt down and craned his back over the men. His small hand held out flat so his palm started to press the two men together. A light started to glow as the men behind them began to shake. "Sometimes, Dean, there is a happy ending. You just have to know where to look." Small Dean raised his hand to show the small plastic green men had melted at the shoulders. And Cas' wings had melted to the ground. And what Dean saw next took his breath away.

A small man that was strikingly like Sam, had a dagger held over another figure Dean had recognized from his earlier visit. The scene in front of him was Sam trying to stab God.

"But Sam can't let Lucifer take him."

Small Dean shook his head and sat back with his hands settling in his lap. "He is driven by the lust of an angel, just as you are. Ironic really, little Sammy following in our footsteps."

"But what angel?" Then an image of Samkiel flashe in his mind causing his eyes to roll. "Jesus Christ. He is going to try to kill god, so he can get laid?"

"Wouldn't you kill for Cas?" Small dean's eyes rose and met his. "You have to protect Samkiel. She is the only one who can repair our brothers heart."

Dean sighed deeply and nodded. "Right. Angel lust must run in our genes."

"I would never have guessed we would've ended up with him..." Small Dean smiled. "But I sure am glad we did."

Dean paused before reaching over and ruffling his own hair. They let out identical little chuckles before small Dean leaned in and wrapped his small arms around dean's neck.

"I love you, you know." Small Dean whispered. "And I am proud of the man I have become."

Before Dean could say anything, his arms were empty once again. He slumped back and wondered how much of these visits he could possibly take. Then his eyes fell on the little army man clump that was now Cas and him melded together. He reached down and picked it up before clasping it in his fist.



I just love this psychological thing goin on with Dean and how he has to face all his problems head on. Let me know what you think. Enjoy.

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