Chapter Seventeen - Dreams and Desires

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Cas closed his eyes and laid his aching body onto the cheap motel bed. Gabriel was still full angel, and didn't need any rest. But Cas was still trying to keep his human system going. So for a few hours Gabriel agreed to take a break and do some of his own looking.

A yawn broke his breathing causing his head to swim warmly. He let his body melt down into the comforter as he drifted off into a sweet dream.

"Cas, baby." Dean's soft voice carried into his mind.

Cas opened his eyes dazily to see he was laying on Dean's old bed from Bobby's house. He sat up and looked around confused, unaware he was dreaming. But then his eyes met Dean's, who was standing in the doorway in his favorite black suit.

"Dean." Cas whispered out of breath and terrified as to why he was here. But the dream soothed him into a calmness. This state of sleep was working into his mind and it melted all his worries into nothing. He was at complete relaxation.

Dean walked up to the bed, all the while keeping intense eye contact with Cas. As he knelt onto the bed and crawled over Cas, the bed creaked under the weight of the two of them. Dean's hand lightly grazed Cas' thigh and worked it's way up to his inner thigh. Cas let out a moan, still unable to look away from Dean's brilliantly lit eyes. A fire began to roar in his chest as light pants left his lips.

"Dean, will you kiss me?" Cas pleaded softly.

All at once, Dean crawled the rest of the way on top of Cas. His suit buttons pressed against Cas' raw chest causing tingling sensation up his torso. Dean's head dipped as he took Cas' mouth by force and pushed his lips open to take as much as he could. Moans were muffled as Cas felt his own hip started to sway under Dean's strong legs.

Soon, Dean's mouth trailed off of his lips and began to ravage Cas' jaw. Before long Dean's hard jaw was pulsing against Cas' adam's apple creating genuine sparks to tear inside his chest. Cas began to hum Dean's name over and over as his eyelids slid shut and he let the full weight of Dean take over his being.

"Come for me." Dean purred as his mouth nibble and licked it's way down Cas' abdomen. "Give me everything you have inside your sweet body." Dean's teeth scraped bittersweetly down Cas' inner thigh until the boxers Cas had sported to bed were drenched.

Cas felt Dean's firm hand cup him over the fabric until he thought his head would explode. He let out a final moan as Dean's hand quickened a steady pace and his thumb became a throbbing pressure against his head. 

"DEAN!" Cas let out a gut wrenching shriek as his mind went black and his body contorted up in an insane flash of heat and eruption. His body shook as his back arched off of the bed. The sweet smell of Dean's pine and liquor filled his nostrils as he clung to the sheets on Dean's bed. Calming himself, he let himself fall ragged onto the bed and breathed using every muscle in his chest.

"I love you." Cas whimpered with his eyes still closed.

"Baby, go to sleep. I will be here when you wake up." Dean murmured near Cas' ear, but he felt no touch from his hunter.

Cas' eyes cracked open as he moaned when he saw the ugly mint green color of the motel ceiling. His hand was limp on his thigh and felt the dampness drip from his own fingers. Cas' jaw clenched as he realized the lonliness of his first wet dream. 

Part 2

Sam opened his eyes as the sun began to seep into the bunker. A yawn broke his dazey mind. Then he felt the soft puff of air against the groove of his neck. Pretty soon, as consciousness reawakened in him, he felt the beating frame of the woman laying against the curve of his body.

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