Chapter Eighteen - Comforting Words

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"Cas, it's time to wake up, buddy." Gabriel's voice broke the sleep from Cas' soggy mind.

A groan escaped his lips as he turned over just enough to feel a stiff searing pain in his right shoulder. "Go away." He growled and clenched his jaw together. The night's dream came back to him. When Dean said he would be there when he woke up. BUt his bed was empty and Cas felt a drowning sensation deep inside his chest.

"They're on the move. Azazel. I think he is going to try for Sam in the next couple days." Gabriel was hushed in voice, as his eyes scanned over the lump under the covers that was his brother. He rested on the side of the bed and wished he had the strength to end Cas' misery. 

Cas stirred and sat up with half opened crackling eyes. His sleepy gaze fell on Gabriel as he sucked up from spit that had run down his chin. Running his hands through his messy bed head, Cas gave his brother a wayward smile. "First thing is first, I need some breakfast. No shop talk until I get some coffee into me."

Gabriel rolled his eyes and rubbed his hands together. Soon a warm steaming cup of coffee was fitted perfectly between his palms. He held it out to his brother and used this small act to reaffirm his loving status as guardian. Even though his brother was still an angel in some sense, Gabriel felt Cas too fragile to be left alone for long. He knew the weight that heaven had on Cas, and he feared his brother would crush underneath of it.

Cas smiled warmly as he took the cup and sipped enough to yawn in content. "Thanks, although you couldve eased up on the sugar."

Gabriel snickered and stood from the bed to stretch his legs. He couldnt help but fidget over the news he had heard not hours ago. "Back to-"

"Who do you think Dean met at the cabin?" Cas asked distracted as he continued to sip the coffee and stare at a stray mark on the opposite wall.

Gabriel sighed deeply and began to play along with Cas. "I dont know. Probably some past lovers." He meant it as a joke but when he saw the drop in Cas' face he quickly became redfaced. "I didnt mean that seriously. Honestly, probably family. That's usually who mortals meet up there."

Cas sighed and set the half empty mug on his knee. His fingers delicately tracing circles where his lips once touched. "I wish he would find what he is looking for. You know? There is so much pain behind his eyes... I cant quite take it sometimes. He deserves so much more than the world has let him have."

"He found what he was looking for. You, you dumbass." Gabriel walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Cas' shoulder, their eyes still not having met. "And when this shit is all over, the world will give him you, and it will be enough."

Cas' lips drew up in a childishly ignorant smile that made Gabriel's lips twitch. A light that Gabriel had never seen behind an angel;s eyes lit up in Cas and caused a swell to manifest in Gabriel's chest.

"You really think?" Cas whispered as he smiled so hard small lines formed between his eyes and around his nose.

"It's completely obvious, you dweeb." Gabriel rolled his eyes and let his hand fall. He turned his back before they got into any more gushy conversations about Dean Winchester. "Are you done with your Sex and the City talks? Can we carry on with our business?"

He heard a deep sigh from Cas and another sip. "I just... I feel exhausted. Never have I felt this worn out. Give me a couple minutes to shower, and we will be off."

"That's why I choose being an angel over a human every day of the week." Gabriel snorted and started for ht edoor to give Cas some privacy.

"It's worth it, Gabe. All of the shit that happens.... it is worth it." 

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