The Trouble With Spaghetti

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"Chriss!"I heard Liam call me from inside the safe house. "Chriss, where are you?" I didn't want him to find me. I didn't want to go inside just yet; it was rare that I get to explore the outside. I was indoors for an entire week now. They don't let us out much; I guess they are afraid we would run away. I have to admit the thought did come to me a few times but I had nowhere else to go. "Chriss, where are you?! CHRISS!?" He was coming closer. "Chriss?" he screamed. A white dove flew by me and into the forest. I grabbed my crucifix necklace, squeezed my fist shut, and ran deep into the woods.

I woke to a thud. My cat, Puma, had knocked something else off my dresser. I grabbed my crucifix necklace; my mother gave it to me when I was three, when we first moved to America. It was weird but I can remember that day. A few years ago my friend and I fell from a river ledge, I cracked my skull and  was in a coma for a week. He unfortunately lost his life. I grabbed my notebook and wrote down my dream, a memory that I had long forgotten. I got up and started my day, you know the whole brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast bit. It was extremely hot outside, and I was getting frustrated. I wish all my memory can come back. I can't go my entire life without knowing who I am. Well, who I was. I knew I hurt people when I blacked out I just wish I could remember. The dreams are coming in slowly and I knew I had to get to bed to remember. The thought of it made me want to punch a baby.


"So Chriss how was your day?" asked my dad as we sat at the dinner table.

"Ok" I answered.

"Did you do anything interesting?" he asked.

"Nope" I said back, trying to avoid having an actual conversation. I took my fork and pushed through my spaghetti. 

"Why aren't you eating son?" my dad asked with concern.

"Why aren't you dead yet you old crapsack?" I thought "Not really that hungry" I finally answered.

"Well" my dad said with a sad look on his face "if you want you can put it in the fridge and eat it later". Without answering I stood up, put away my food and left my dad to eat alone at the table. I grabbed my blanket and drifted off to sleep.

 "Christofer Velozo" Mrs. Robbins called into the crowded room full of boys.

"Yes Mrs. Robbins?" I answered.

"Your room is ready, come with me". I followed her down a long white hallway full of rooms “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay here Christofer” she said reassuringly. We stopped at room 20. The air was warm and sticky and the windows had bars on them. The walls were painted white and there was a bunk bed and two dressers in the room. It felt like a prison and looked like one too! "You will be sharing a room with Liam" she explained, while handing me my clothes "he will show you around". I stood there awkwardly as the sound of her clicking heels got farther and farther away.

"Liam" he finally said, holding his hand out "Liam Herb" I shook his hand hesitantly.

"Chriss" I said "Chriss Velozo".

"You can have the bottom bunk" he said smiling. I placed my clothes on the bunk and sat on the bed looking at the window.

"So" he said "why don't I give you a little tour of hell?"

"Ok" I said not really interested in the tour.

"Right this way" he said mimicking a tour guide. I followed him down the long narrow hallway. "Now if you look to your right you would see the bath rooms and the shower rooms, if you want my advice you would use these instead of the ones on the ground floor". He continued on down the steps onto the ground floor. "This is the cafe" he said pointing across the hall to a small room with a few tables,  "and that’s the rec room" he said pointing to a room on the left "that’s actually all. There’s not much to see around here".

"What about outside?" I asked.

"Oh" Liam said softly "We don't go outside". He glanced at the clock and looked around the room cautiously "Hey, you want to go get lunch?" I tried to see what he was looking for but gave up rather quickly. "Let's go before they run out of the good stuff and serve us yesterdays leftovers". Liam ran to the cafe and I followed.

"Hey new kid! Heads up!" a boy in the back screamed. I turned around to be slapped in the face with a cheeseless pizza. Everyone in the cafe laughed and I clenched my fist.

"Just ignore them" Liam said "they're just jerks". He handed me a napkin and a tray. I clenched my crucifix necklace and joined the lunch line.

“It’s Italian today” Liam said with delight “the pizza is gross but I love the spaghetti, it’s my favorite food!”

I grabbed my notebook and wrote down my memory. I thought back and I could remember that day like it was yesterday. Liam loved spaghetti and I have to admit so did I, but ever since he died I just couldn’t bring myself to eat it. I clenched my crucifix necklace and tried not to get too upset. Fighting back my tears, I got dressed, smiled at Puma, and continued on downstairs.

"Ready for school, son?" My dad asked, putting on his jacket. I didn't want to go to school. Not now not ever. 

"Yeah" I lied, forcing myself out the door and into the car. The vibrating vroom of my father starting the car sent a shiver up my spine. I felt my stomach curl in a not as we approached the dreaded hell that people refer to as 'school'. 

"You have your lunch money?" my dad questioned.


"Homework?" he added.


"You sure?" he said couriously. 


"I love you, son"

"Yep" I said pushing the car door open. I hopped out and speed walked away. "I love you, son" I said mimicking my father. I heard the vroom of my dad driving away. I took a deep breath and breathed out slowly. "Here we go".

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