Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        The sun beams made their way into the nursery through the patches of destroyed wall and warmed the fur on Moonkit’s pelt. A second later, a flurry of paws slammed into her back just as she was stretching, causing a yowl of pain to fill the den. She whirled around to find her irritating brothers, Rainkit and Rockkit scuffling with one another in their mossy nests. Suddenly her mother Mossflower jolted upright in her nest, startled by Moonkit’s cry. Last night, Mossflower had been asked to be on the night patrol, and Moonkit could see the annoyance of being woken up etched on her mother’s spotted face.

        “What are you doing up this early?” Mossflower asked, her tail twitching with frustration. “Now that you are almost apprentices, I thought you would know when to and when not to wake up sleeping queens!”

        Moonkit hung her head sheepishly, and by the lack of sounds from behind her, she could tell that her littermates were most likely doing the same. The warm aroma of freshly killed prey filled Moonkit’s nose just as Oakclaw appeared, carrying a warm rabbit in his jaws.

“Has anyone seen Lilypool?” he asked, dropping the rabbit to the floor, “she hasn’t been out on a walk again, has she?” he said, worry flashing in his eyes. 

“I am afraid so,” Mossflower replied, “she went out a while ago but she’ll be back any second now.” 

“A queen expecting kits shouldn’t be doing anything but resting!” Oakclaw moaned.  

“Don’t worry, Oakclaw,” Mossflower soothed, “just because she’s close to having kits doesn’t mean she can’t stretch her legs once in a while.”

         Moonkit, ignoring her mother’s conversation, decided to stretch her legs as well and grab some breakfast. Squeezing past her mother and making her way through the nursery entrance, she remembered something her mother had said before. She and her brothers were going to be apprentices soon, and a wave of excitement ran through her pelt. Rockkit and Rainkit raced by, chasing one another as they scampered through the half-destroyed camp towards the tiny pile of fresh-kill. Her muscles bunching, she hurtled over them and landed right in front of the pile-a second before her littermates reached it. as she went to pluck a vole Meadowsong stopped her with her tail.

"Sorry Moonkit but you can't eat anything right now, since the battle it's been hard to find any prey."

"Okay" Moonkit said her belly rumbling 

         “Let’s play moss-ball!” said Rainkit. 

        “I found some moss over here!” called Rockkit, throwing the pile in the air with an outstretched claw.

        “Great job!” mewed Moonkit, running to meet him, “let’s play!”

         “Hey! Wait up!” called Rainkit, as he sped across the clearing towards them.

       “Watch out!” said Cedarbrook with a rumble of laughter and her ears twitching with amusement.

         “Oops, sorry,” mewed Rainkit, stumbling over Cedarbrook’s tail.

          Finally, he slowed down and came to a stop next to his littermates. Just then, a yowl startled them from above.

         “Let all cats six moons or older gather beside the fallen oak for a Clan meeting!” Stormstar boomed.

  Leaving the moss ball behind, the kits chased one another to the nursery to meet their mother.

              “The dawn patrol spotted a fox on our territory, and we will need to keep a lookout and scare it off before it causes any damage.”

(A Warrior Cat Fanfiction) Tales of the Lost Clans: Moonshine's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now