Chapter 4

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 Moonpaw couldn't sleep, and she tossed around over and over in her nest trying to allow her mind to rest. Her stomach prickled like thorns as the anxiety of the battle gnawed at her insides. This was going to be her first battle in FireClan and she couldn't help but be worried for her clanmates - most especially for her mother and brothers. Her father went to StarClan right after she was born due to a battle, and all she could remember about him was a strong but comforting scent that she sometimes could smell in her dreams. Unable to stay still, Moonpaw quietly got up from her mossy bed and went out into the bitter night. She could see the faint outlines of the new warriors standing at the entrance, so she silently squeezed under the gorse bush, fur ripping off her back and clinging to the prickles of the leaves. Moonpaw broke out into a run, the night air whipping against her face and stinging her eyes. It felt good to have some fresh air, the small den seemed too constricting in comparison to the forest around them. 

Moonpaw halted and lapped water onto her dry tongue, savoring the cool and refreshing drops that quenched her thirst. A slight rustle came from behind her, and a jolt of fear made her freeze in her paws. A cat emerged from next to the abandoned fox nest, and Moonpaw relaxed when she recongnized the scent. 

"Hello Moonpaw," Flameclaw said, coming forward and stepping into a shaft of moonlight in front of her. 

"What are you still doing awake?" Moonpaw questioned, glancing into Flameclaw's green eyes. 

"I heard you leave, and I wanted to make sure that you were okay," Flameclaw replied.

"I'm not a kit! I know how to take care of myself, okay?" Moonpaw bit back,  fur rising on her neck.

Flameclaw took a step back, hurt flashing in his eyes. Moonpaw almost felt bad for her abrash tone, but the nerves she felt made her push away the guilt she had. 

"I'll just go back to camp then," Flameclaw murmured, and he quickly turned and made his way back towards the direction of the camp. 

Moonpaw sighed, and looked up at the stars that surrounded her. Resting her chin on her paws, she let her eyes close for a split second. 

Black air consumed the forest, trees shriveling and collapsing to the forest floor. Cats took their last breath as illness weakened their bodies, the air quickly hiding them. "There are three of you who together carry a power that will save your clan from destruction," a deep and strong familiar voice echoed. Moonpaw's yowls were unable to be heard over the cries of her clanmates and the stench of sickness filled her nostrils making her gag. 

"Moonpaw!" called a voice, dragging her out from the nightmare, "I heard yowling so I ran back, what happened?"

Moonpaw recalled what happened in her startling dream, not sharing what the echoing voice had told her. 

Moonpaw looked up into Flameclaw's worried eyes, and she rested her muzzle against his broad shoulder. "Thanks for coming back. Sorry I snapped at you." 

"This battle has got everyone anxious, don't worry about it," Flameclaw said, his voice upbeat now that his friend had apologized. 

"I'm afraid for our clan, I don't know what I would do if my brothers or mother were hurt or killed in this battle. Or you," Moonpaw admitted. 

"Everyone will be okay. We have a great medicine cat and a lot of strong warriors who can take down EarthClan." Flameclaw said proudly. 

"You're right, thanks, I'm feeling a lot better." Moonpaw said, a yawn stretching across her face. 

"Let's go back to camp," Flameclaw suggested, keeping close by Moonpaw as they trudged through the icy leaf-bare wind and back to FireClan. 


Sunlight broke through the clouds and lit up FireClan's camp, as cats drowsily came out of their nests and into the clearing. Rainpaw stretched his muscles and tripped over Lakekit, who was chasing Toadkit around the frosty grass. Moonpaw mrowled in amusement as her brother shook the cold from his fur and begun to lick himself clean. 

"Rainpaw, Rockpaw and Moonpaw," Rainpaw heard Frostfoot adress them, "you will be in the second battle patrol with Darkclaw, Whitetail and I. And the first battle patrol will be Stormstar, Sootfoot, Oakclaw, Windflight, Flameclaw and Sparrowtail. Mossflower, Meadowsong and Woodfur will be guarding the camp." 

Rockpaw was already racing around the camp, practicing last minute battle moves, and Rainpaw went to be his partner.

"This is going to be so awesome!" said Rockpaw said enthusiastically, "we're going to shred those EarthClan losers!"

"Rockpaw and Rainpaw, could you stop moving for a moment!" called Gingerheart, "I need to give you some herbs!"

When they turned around they were surprised to see Lakekit, standing next to Gingerheart, holding up some leaves.

"Eat these!" she squeaked, "They'll strengthen you up!"

 "She's right," said Gingerheart, "but they'll taste yucky." So Rockpaw and Rainpaw licked them up, gagging at the sour taste."

"Hey guys!" called Moonpaw, "hurry up were leaving!"

Rainpaw raced to Moonpaw with Rockpaw at his side. "The patrol has just left, let's go!" said Moonpaw, sprinting through the entrance with Rainpaw and Rockpaw beside her. Once they reached the edge of the forest next to the clearing, they nearly slammed into the back of Frostfoot's patrol.

"Dont go into the clearing yet!" she hissed, "First, Stormstar's patrol needs to battle for a while, then we can go in to help."

“FireClan attack!” Stormstar yowled, charging into the clearing just as a huge EarthClan patrol appeared through their pine trees. And suddenly, battle exploded in the air around them.

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