Chapter 6

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Rockpaw woke up with a start. The last thing he remembered was the battle and he leapt to his paws, expecting to see a battle around him. A moment later, he crumbled, pain searing through his hind leg. Tears pricked behind his eyes as a burning pain throbbed in his broken leg. 

"Lay back down!" Gingerheart mewed furiously, "the battle's over!" 

"How long was I out?" Rockpaw asked feebly. 

"About a day!" squeaked a small voice from under him, and he looked down to see Lakekit with a pile of herbs in her tiny mouth.

"Are you hurt too?" he asked.

"No she's helping me out" replied Gingerheart, "she has a lot of potential to become a medicine cat!"

Lakekit spat out a clump of chewed herbs on his flesh wounds, and after a moment, they juices began to numb the sting. Rockpaw's ears perked up as he heard pounding paw steps coming to the den.

"Rockpaw!" Moonpaw exclaimed rushing over to greet him, "We're so glad you're okay!"

"I have better news," Gingerheart's voice came from the other side of the den, "in a few weeks, Rockpaw can resume his training." 

Rockpaw's heart fell, and disappointment coursed through him. Weeks? 

Gingerheart noticed the look on Rockpaw's face and flicked him with his tail. "Most cats take a lot longer than that to completely heal a broken bone. You have StarClan to thank for your quick recovery." 

And with that, Rockpaw nodded and settled back into the moss for a nap. 

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Rainpaw stalked the mouse in front of him, making sure that every limb was silent as he stealthily approached. Then, when he was close enough to feel the warmth radiating from the small body, he went soaring through the air and landing squarely on top of his prey and gave it a killing bite. He picked it up and carried it back to the meeting place. It had been four moons since the battle and this was his warrior assesment. To pass his assessment, he was to catch as much prey and bring it back to the meeting place which was a stump in the middle of the forest. There, he met up with Moonpaw who had caught a starling and Rockpaw who had caught a squirrel. So much had changed since the battle, Lilypaw had become Gingerheart's apprentice and Toadpaw had become Windflight's apprentice. 

"Great job all of you!" purred Frostfoot, "you all did great!"

"Yes," said Darkclaw "we will have to inform Stormstar of your excellence." Rainpaw could hardly contain his excitement. We're going to be warriors! He thought, as they headed back to camp, this is the best day of my life!

 When they got back to camp, Mossflower rushed up to meet them.

 "How did you do?" she asked nervously. 

"Great!" Moonpaw replied, "we're going to be Warriors!"

"That's good!' said Mossflower, her eyes welling up with emotion. "Let's get you cleaned up for the ceremony!" While Mossflower was furiously licking her children clean, Stormstar had jumped on to the Fallen Oak.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beside the fallen oak!" Stormstar called. The soon-to-be warriors wriggled away from their mother and went to stand near Stormstar. When everyone had settled down Stormstar began.

"I Stormstar, leader of Fireclan call upon our Warrior Ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have worked hard to learn and follow your noble Rules and each of them has there very own special talents Rockpaw, with his furocious battling, Rainpaw with skilled hunting, and Moonpaw with her brilliant intelligence. They have each earned their place as full warriors. Rockpaw, from now on you shall be named Rockfur, Rainpaw you shall be called Rainstorm, and Moonpaw your name is now Moonshine.

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The next morning the three siblings woke to find that it was nearly sun high. The night had been tough, with chilly winds ruffling their fur and the temprature dropping and freezing their whiskers stiff. 

"Frostfoot!" Rockfur called getting the she-cat's attention, "How come no one woke us up for patrols!" he demanded crossly.

"Keep your fur on!" she replied, "I saved one just for us on the EarthClan border." 

"Then let's go!" Rainstorm mewled as he bounded out of the camp. The rest of the patrol raced after him. When they got to the border Frostfoot let the younger Warriors set the markers surrounding their territory. 

"Ew!" Moonshine squealed, "What's that smell?" There was a reek of EarthClan mixed with a pungent, sour odor wafting across the boundary between the two clans. 

"I don't know, but when we get back to camp I'll report it to Stormstar and Gingerheart." Frostfoot said, wrinkling her nose.

Rainstorm's fur prickled as they retreated from the border and back towards their own camp. The foul odor seemed strange, and whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good for any of the Clans. 


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