Chapter 7

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Monday March 15th, 1965
Tulsa, OK

Ponyboy pov

I gulped as I noticed the ominous grey clouds that stretched across the sky above me. Oh, please don't rain, I thought to myself as I walked to school. I had my hair oiled perfectly today, and I wasn't itching for the rain to mess it up.

I took a deep breath as I approached the school building, I don't know why I'm so nervous. Even though I talked to Y/n for a while on the phone yesterday, and Soda assured me that she really dug me, the thing that Soda said about her being a soc was still present in the back of my mind. I was deep in thought, then I saw her.

My eyes widened and I stopped in my tracks, catching my bouncy ball and slipping it into my pocket. God, why do I always carry it around? I probably look stupid. Y/n walked further up the steps to the main door, as I just stood in my place like an idiot. I decided against calling out her name, since she was with some of her friends and I didn't want to embarrass her. And boy, it would be embarrassing for me too if she didn't hear me. It was too late anyway, she'd already gone inside. I guess I'll see her first period.

After getting inside the school, and picking up a few books from my locker, I walked upstairs to English. I kept an eye out for Y/n as I slowly walked through the packed halls, but still hadn't seen her. Finally I reached the third floor, and there she was again. She was standing around the group of girls we bumped into a couple days ago, and a few boys I could recognize from the junior football team.

I guess she's busy now, I might as well catch her in class. I tried my best to avoid her while walking past, I don't know what I'd do if she saw me and didn't say anything. I quickly walked by towards our classroom, but stopped when I heard my name.

"Hey Ponyboy, wait up!"

I turned around and saw Y/n running towards me. I smiled once she caught up with me.

"Fancy meeting you here" I joked, and Y/n laughed. I noticed all her friends were watching us closely.

"For a second I thought you were avoiding me, you sure seemed in a hurry" she remarked with a giggle.

"No way, I could never avoid you" I chuckled, and smirked at the blush creeping onto her cheeks. Suddenly the bell rang.

"We better get to class" she remarked, then waved back to her friends before we walked to Mr. Syme's class. He glared at us as we entered, he prefers when the students are in class before the bell.

"Y/n, Ponyboy, please take your seats" he exclaimed, gesturing to the remaining two seats at the back of the room. Great, we can sit together. Mr. Syme cleared his throat.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you all have caught up on your reading," he held up his copy of Romeo and Juliet.

"Alright, lets begin reading the fifth scene of act one. Mr. Curtis, Ms. Randle, since you decided to show up late, I'll have you two read today" he smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Ponyboy, you be Romeo. Y/n, Juliet. Begin from line 89"

We flipped through the book until finding the page, and began to read. All eyes were on us by now.

Y/n pov

Oh God, this is one of the most romantic scenes in the play, I thought as I looked over the text. Pony must have been thinking the same thing, since he shot me a slightly nervous expression. He cleared his throat quietly before speaking.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand, this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this...but my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth the rough touch with a gentle...kiss" I bit my lip to avoid the smile that appeared on my face, and took a deep breath before reading my line.

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