Chapter 8

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Thursday's March 18th, 1965
Tulsa, OK

Ponyboy pov

Y/n had been coming over to my house almost every day this week, other than the one day we went to her's, to either do homework, practice for our English presentation, or just hang out. We present our English tomorrow.

We decided to practice in front of Soda today, and see what he thinks.

"...saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake" she exclaimed, nearing the end of the scene.

"Then move not while my prayers' effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purg'd!" I stated to end the scene. We looked at Soda.

"Is that it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah..? Why, is there something missing?" I asked.

"No, it's good...but if I remember correctly, there's a kiss at the end of that scene. If you really wanna sell it, you gotta do the kiss" I couldn't help but blush at the thought of kissing Y/n.

"I had Syme when I was in ninth grade—he's a Shakespeare freak; he'll definitely give you a better grade if you add that kiss" Soda continued.

"Hm, I don't know...maybe"

Y/n pov

After we went over our lines a few more times, Soda drove me home, and Pony joined him.

"Do you really think we need the kiss at the end?" I asked Pony awkwardly.

"Uhh..I don't know. I think we won't need it if we nail our presentation" he replied, slightly flustered. I nodded.

"Yeah, we won't need it"

Pony and I continued on our conversation as usual, chatting about the various assignments and gossip at school, until Soda interrupted.

"Hey, Y/n...I thought you said your parents weren't gonna be home for a couple months"

"Yeah Soda, that's right" I replied.

"Then, uh, who's that parked in your driveway?"

I turned away from Pony, gazing out the window towards my driveway. My eyes widened as I noticed the familiar burgundy mustang situated on the driveway. It was Jeremy's car. Why are they home so early?

"Hm, looks like they're home early"

Soda pulled up in front of the house. I quickly exited the car, waving back to the boys as I went inside.

"What are you doing home so late?"

Mom was standing at the base of the stairs, arms folded over her chest, a disapproving glare present on her cold face. I've never seen her like this before; she's showing emotion, and actually acknowledging me. Caught off guard by the anger in her tone, I struggled to reply.

"...I was with some friends, working on an English assignment" I stayed in my place, afraid of what she'd do if I moved. I couldn't keep eye contact with her, so I frantically surveyed my surroundings, and noticed Jeremy was nowhere to be found.

"Why are you back so soon? Where's Jeremy?" I stumbled over my words, still looking around the room.

"He's unpacking," she snapped, moving down the stairs and towards me at a quick pace.

"I know all about what you have been up to while I was away" she was inches away from me now.


Him And I / Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now