Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cato Demeir

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Cato's POV

I will stay forever here with you, my love

The softly spoke words you gave me

Even in death

Our love lives on

—Evanescence, "Even In Death"

"Run," were the only words Alia said to me before she yanked my hand and took off in a dash.

I didn't even have to turn around to see what she was talking about. The low, animal-like snarls chasing after us answered my question.


Why was I not surprised...? That's the Gamemakers favorite weapon, after all. I don't really blame them, either. If I had a weapon built to fit my every need, it'd be my favorite, too. The Gamemakers could program the mutations however they wanted.

Unlike last year, these mutations had thick, strongly built bodies covered in a sleek black coat of fur. Panthers. The word was one that I had never said, or even thought of, but it fit. Big jungle cats, mutated by the Capitol to make them extremely dangerous.

There was scratchy hissing, too. Inhuman hissing that managed to form the words, "Kill. Kill."

The l's  were so heavily dragged out that the sound gave me an instant migraine. My heart was pounding so loudly that I could hear it ringing in my ears.

One of the mutations tore into the back of my ankle, ripping out a whole section of flesh. I groaned but kept on running. I didn't need them nearly ripping me to shreds like they did last year.

"Come on, Cato," Alia insisted through a cough, "Just keep running..."

My heavy breathing quickly turned to exasperated panting. I had to breathe in slowly a couple times before I could finally reply, "I'm... trying... don't... worry... about... me..."

I cried out in agony when another mutation nipped at my already bloody ankle.

>> Meanwhile in the arena control room

President Frost sighed as he watched the mutations chase after Alia and Cato. "It's quite ironic," he began, "How I'm trying to kill the two tributes I made everyone bet on..."

When none of the Gamemakers replied, Frost clicked his fingers against a table impatiently. "But... there comes a point in time where I can no longer tolerate certain things..."

"You mean Mr. Demeir? Cannibalism?" one of the Gamemakers asked suddenly.

But Frost just laughed as if it was a stupid statement. "Of course not. I could care less about that. I have a feeling, and this is one I've had ever since Miss Fletson decided to root against me... I fear they're siding with Mrs. Wil– I mean... Miss Merison..."

"You're going to kill them because of a feeling  you have? Forgive me, sir, but don't you find that ridiculous? They're Career tributes, after all."

President Frost smirked. "You know what they say... those bred to kill are born to die..." he whispered, followed by the snap of his fingers. At that moment, two Peacekeepers came into the room.

"Ah, Laius... I would like you and your team to give Miss Florence here... a proper welcoming. She is a new Gamemaker, after all. And you know how I like to teach everyone the ground rules..."

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