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Gauri bid bye to her parents who were going out .The two days which was never ending ended at last .She got ready and  went to the place where om would pick her came from the opposite side in his car she also came at the same time.He greeted her with a hi.She got in to the car and said hey with a smile.In front of Om Gauri felt like the same teenager who waited for his one glance.

Om decided to start the conversation."Gauri remember same way we used to come to school from opposite directions".Gauri can never forgot those days .


Gauri was coming from the left side in her cycle and om from right side in his cycle (om preferred to come by cycle most of the days unlike rudra who loved being dropped in car).They were supposed to park their cycle in the grounds.Both entered the ground gates at the same time.

gauri thought even if om doesn't have feelings for me I love it when we both come to school at same time though it's completely unintentional almost all days we come at the same time.

om thought gauri I just love the way you  come in your cycle and we both coming at the same time  makes my day almost all days.

When they both arrived at the same time.There was a group of whistles and knowing smirks.though gauri used to glare at them she liked it .om acted like he  ignored them.But he too was happy.

Om and gauri were recognised as a couple even before they become one.Many of their classmates and friends thought them to be a couple even when they didn't know they had feelings for each other.Initially gauri was irritated by this but later everything changed.


Will he ever get to know what i felt when we both came to school on same time thought gauri and that thought made her sad.

I will tell whatever I felt for you even when you do little or to be precise tiniest of things after convincing you or may be even before that for convincing you  thought om.

"gauri do you remember?"asked om

"yes "

"so miss chennai girl where do we go first?''

"we can go to the beach first.since it's somewhat cloudy today it won't be bad to be out."

she is still giving explanation for smallest of things may be to justify it to others or perhaps herself om smiled at his thought

"Why are you smiling you don't like the idea?" asked gauri.
"No, not at all. we are going to the beach."om said.



Hey how was it ? I am sorry I can't update regularly.

A big THANKS for your votes, comments and support I wouldn't have continued if it weren't for you guys.

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