Marie's gone...?

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Sun rays from my window filled my pastel pink walls. They gently came to my face, I layed there for a moment thinking to my self how light can get into any dark area. I felt in a way I was the darkness and Marie was my light. I forced myself to stand up, my body ached from myself being in a coma. I walked to my closet doors, I always loved how the door handles were gold. Opening my closet I noticed how it screeched. Note to self need to fix that. "Hmmm" "Marie!" "Did you take my black dress!?" No response. Marie was probably still in bed. Fine I'll wear my pink shirt with the words hello written in white with my black pants. I started walking to the bathroom so I can do my hair and make up. I took a peek in Marie's room she wasn't laying there. "Marie are you in the kitchen!?" I looked in the bathroom there was a small note on the mirror: "Callie And Marie I went to the store to pick up some groceries be back soon love grandpa." Hmm maybe Marie went with grandpa last minute. I decided to continue doing my make up and hair. When I was finished I went  to the kitchen for breakfast grandpa wasn't back yet but there was another note.     "My dearest Callie,  if you are reading this, I'm already gone. I had to leave for my own reasons, please don't be mad I'll be back soon... Our music influences other lives; and I want influence others too with Kita  Productions I love you, and stay fresh      yours- Marie." Marie's gone... No no this cannot be happening I just got her back, I just got my life back how can she leave me. "No!" "You can't can't leave..!" I felt hot streams of water running down my cheeks. I couldn't breath, it felt as if my lungs we're ripped out of me. Somehow I was used to that feeling, the feeling of emptiness the feeling of nothing in you. The room slowly got darker, my body became more week I started slamming my fists on the ground screaming "No! " "No!" Marie just left me after the state I've just got out of. I stood up again to look at the note and then I turned around to make sure it wasn't some prank Marie had pulled but no, she was gone I looked in her room and her suitcase was gone too everything became more dark the room began to spin, and then it was just blackness...

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