Twitter #1

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Me with Tae and Kook😂😂👋🏻👌🏻💖 thx namjoon for the camera work

#bts #kimtaehyung #jeonjungkook #kimnamjoon #leechaewon

#bts #kimtaehyung #jeonjungkook #kimnamjoon #leechaewon

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I swear to god they are all so dannm kyut and weird in good way💖💓😂


ChaeKim17 replying to BangTan1781

Thx, love ya😜😇💖



Omg, I think I just had hearteu attack


They look so squad goals😭👌🏻


I am litterally writing this while studying for my fucking exam😂 but do give me requests if you want, it would a pleasure. So sorry if it's short

You could request smut, if you want 😂👅😏 but urmm yeah

Also pics are not mine, like always


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