issues pt.2 (end)

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the continuing of issues pt.1 (1). also get ready a box of tissues.... but it really short so bear with me


Jungkook's POV

"it has been a while since Chaewon came out of her room" taehyung said while scrolling through his phone

i thought for a while and agreed. the other members looked skeptical, suddenly very loud thud came from Chaewon's room

thinking that she had done something very bad all of us went to her locked room and namjoon basically broke it, the sight wasn't so pretty

blood was everywhere. chaewon's unconscious body laid there, my heart started racing. i was scared and before i knew it i was crying laying next to her hugging her not knowing what to do

"the ambulance are here" Jin hyung said while helping me get up and patting my back, comforting me in every way possible


"doctor is she fine" namjoon stood up, nervously looking at the doctor. the doctor shook his head and said a low "she couldn't make it, she had lost too much blood"

the cries grew louder and louder. every member was in disbelief, they thought that you could make it as you the strongest girl they've ever seen but they were wrong

but knowing you were in a better and safer place, they would be happy for you. the cries lasted til they got back to the dorm

everyone was gathered in the living room with red faces and glistening eyes. they all had the things you either liked the most and had the most memories

they needed to share happy memories to make them feel like even when you were gone the happy memories you made with them would still be remembered


8th Member [lee chaewon]✔️Where stories live. Discover now