leaving you

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[a story based on my true life events]



it was a wednesday, and
tomorrow you were leaving

you suddenly said it
it devastated me. i cried
every single night and day

it was already your last day
with the group

i hope you find better
friends, better group and
a better life

but i just had this little hope
left that you would stay a little
longer just until our we die

we've stayed together for 6+ years
we're basically siblings
but from another mother

i want you to stay and hug us
one last time before you go

but i guess the world hates me
that much. goodbye my sister,
goodbye Chaewon


dear ___,

i know you're probably never gonna read this but just know that i care for you as a brother and classmate

you were always the class clown but now you're not. i hope you find a better school and friends

i love you, okay

just don't forget us and stay in-touch, thats what i ask of you

G6-1 will never be the same without you. goodbye

8th Member [lee chaewon]✔️Where stories live. Discover now