taehyung's b'day☁️

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really late but i wanted to do it!!!


[december 31]

    dear kim taehyung,

              happy birthday, tae-oppa!! ur already so old, just joking. don't stop being weird and alien-like, okay or i will kill you, i wish u a happy happy b'day. im sorry i can't be able to be in your birthday party cause (as you already know) im promoting. but as soon as i come back i'll make you another b'day party!! i'll give you presents and shower you with my love!!



you sighed and got ready to give the letter to the post office, it was sad you couldn't go to taehyung oppa's (cringe🤧) birthday party

but at least you had presents to give when you came back,

you bought him a gucci bag cause you can never have too much, 2 big packs of almond chocolates cause you know he loves them,
a plushie cause i wanna take picture of him with it, a perfume bottle brand that he always nagged me to get him one and a painting i painted just for him


taehyung's pov [time skip]

it was my birthday today and everything was going the way it was planned but something was missing, chaewon

chaewon was missing, it felt wrong not having her here in the party. i sighed and drank with the members

later, they gave me their gifts

jungkook gave me a hoodie that said "alien"
jimin gave me food
hoseok gave me even more food
yoongi gave me a scarf
namjoon gave me 2 pairs of underwear
seokjin he gave me tissues and scented candles

i laughed at namjoon's gift [let the poor guy live, at least he gave u a present😂😂]

we ended the VLIVE we started 30 mins ago, then startes to get ready for bed; after doing all the things i needed to do, i laid on the bed checking my phone

*ding* a new message from chaewonnie💓💞

"happy b'day taetae-oppa!! ur so old alread ㅋㅋ, joke. love u!!"

i smiled at the message and fell asleep afterwards


ayooo, im back from my short hiatus. i still have one exam left but i just needed to upload this!! its been ages

but urmm thank you for 5K readers!!! 💞😭💖💗💕💘💝❣️💜💜💛💙🧡💜💜💜
im soooo grateful, i cant explain. but thank you for supporting this shitty-ass book; don't deny it. i hope u guys have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening

well if not,

i hope this helps😂😂 baiiii~

[edit]: txt, they are such cuties i cannot. our new fandom will be texties, istg😂😂💓

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