last chances

453 6 0

warning: short chapter, lowercase intended


"fuck off, yoongi" i said in a croaky, broken voice

i heard footsteps fade into the distance giving me a signal he was gone. i screamed into my pillow and cried even more

after crying even more 18 minutes more, i slept with dry tears on my pale rosy cheeks

(time skip)

a loud voice was heard from the other side being blocked by my door

it belonged to our beloved kim taehyung

he screamed a loud "chaewon" making me jump in my bed. i stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, and oh did i look so miserable

i washed my face and got out my room for the first time in weeks, not for the reason food or practice

my eyes roamed around the bright room and spotted yoongi. i immediately looked away since he was looking at me too

it was our first ever eye contact in weeks after the incident

and the 'incident'? you ask it was just a big accident that i will never forgive

fuck him, and thats all

he walked to me and hugged me, tears fell on my shoulder making me cry too

ughh, he cheated on me and this is how i still feel. fuck my life

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry" his grip getting tighter making me feel bad as i already am

i don't care how much he cheats on me. i'll love him no matter what, and that's my decision

"it's okay" i stroked his back in circular motions

the hug lasted for a couple more minutes and we ended up in bed cuddling ourselves to sleep


shitty end but here ya' go. i'm really tired right now and i can't concentrate, so i will take a break from wattpad for maybe 2 weeks or so?

i don't know

i juts need time for myself and school, so please do understand

the publishing date of the h.hj fanfict fanfict will be postponed to 2 weeks later or so

thank you for the support, i really appreciate it. ily all 💓

goodbye..... for now

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