high school graduation

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Finally, it was now your long awaited graduation after 6 damn years. I auditioned for bighit when I was still in my first year of high school

Then came schedules but I still attended, at least I get to graduate

I am so happy. After all the hard work and struggles it has paid off, I will obviously miss my teachers, friends and all the memories. I can't help but cry

After the headmaster said his speech the ceremony begun. They announced the graduates of class C6-1, the class I was in

I was the last to be announced and when I got on the stage I heard many screams and shouts, my members and best friends were the loudest. I took my certificate proudly and professionally posed for the camera

I got back to my seat and wiped the visible tears off my cheeks with my hand and tissue. The ceremony ended an hour later

I took photos with my step-brother who is the only family member that attended apart from BTS. I also took photos with some fans, my best friends and BTS at last

We all ate dinner together at a Korean Barbecue, we all were happy while it lasted



just a little something cause i didn't post in a long time, oof

[edit: i didn't publish this until a year later😂opps. so as you can see im still using capital letters]

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