issues pt.2 (1)

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I was laying in my bed with my favorite teddy bear next to me. I was thinking about the hate comments bashed to me recently from fans

I was confused on what I did wrong but all I know is that they hate me for it. Probably they want me gone from the group. I sighed

'All the hardwork for nothing, they only want me gone and i'll give it to them' I thought. I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to do stuff

And it's going to get bloody. I took the small blade from behind the mirror and locked the door after, I need to relieve pain with pain

Though it hurts, words hurt me more. I cut my wrists rather harshly ended up with 9 very deep cuts on my wrist. Blood were gushing out from the wounds

It looked like a waterfall but bloodier

Suddenly my vision got blurry, turning black....almost. But as my vision was turning even blurrier everything turned dark. I fell on stone cold floor

The last thing I heard was someone breaking the door


Another chapter ma' (min)hoesss

8th Member [lee chaewon]✔️Where stories live. Discover now