Chapter 5

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After her Math class, Melody decided to go to the student lounge and made her way there. When she got there, she saw Dizzy with a couple of other people. "Hey Dizzy." Melody said, walking over to her. Dizzy turned around and saw Melody.

"Oh hey. I tried to find you after class ended, but you had already left." Dizzy said.

"Sorry. I was heading here." Melody said, sitting next to Dizzy. She looked the others sitting at the table.

"Oh." Dizzy said. "These are my friends. Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos. This is Melody, my roommate." They each greeted her.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Melody said.

"So Melody, when did you arrive at the Academy?" Evie asked.

"Yesterday." said Melody.

"How was your first day?" Dizzy asked her.

"It was good. Better than I thought it was going to be." Melody answered.

"See." Dizzy said. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad."

"Yeah. You were right." Melody said.

"Have you've met anyone else besides us?" Mal asked.

"Yeah. I met Ben, Doug, and Jane at lunch today." Melody said.

"That's cool." Mal said.

"Yeah." said Melody.

"Why don't we show around the town." Dizzy said.

"Yeah. It'll be fun." The rest of them said in agreement.

"Sure . I'd love that!" Melody said excitedly.

"Then let's go." said Jay. They all walked out of the student lounge and headed towards the entrance.

"So Melody, where are you from?" Carlos asked.

"A kingdom called Maritime." Melody said.

"Oh. I've read about Maritime." Evie said.

"What's it like?" Carlos asked.

"It's very beautiful there. I lived on the beach with my parents." answered Melody.

"That's so cool." Carlos said.

"Yeah. Most people would get used to seeing the beach everyday, but I never get tired of seeing the view." Melody said. They walked out of the entrance and headed towards the town.

"Do you like the beach?" Dizzy asked.

"I love the beach!" Melody said excitedly. "I would spend every day on the beach." Melody smiled.

They got to the town. They showed her around. There were restaurants, small diners, and cafés. They showed her places to hang out. The was an arcade, movie theaters, a bowling alley, and miniature golf places. There was also a shopping center and salon. The last place they showed her was the museum. As they walked past it, Melody asked curiously. "What's this place?"

"Oh, that's the museum. It has a bunch of artifacts in it, like Fairy Godmother's wand." Evie answered her.

"Oh cool. I might have to check it out sometime." Melody said. They headed back to the campus.

By the time they got back to the school it was getting close to dinner time, so they got something to eat. After they finished, Melody and Dizzy headed to their dorm. When they got to their room, Melody worked on her homework. Once she finished her homework, she went to get ready for bed. She set her alarm, got into bed, and went to sleep.

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