Chapter 8

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Two weeks had passed, Melody got ready for the day. She had been excited lately. She thought it was probably still from being new to the school. She had made the swim team team, which she wasn't surprised about, and was enjoying the practices. They have their first swim meet on Thursday. She had been enjoying the classes and her new friends. But the big thing she was that her birthday was next week. She finished getting ready and headed to breakfast with Dizzy. She skipped a little as they walked to the cafeteria. When they got there, Melody ordered a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. After getting their food, they walked over to a table and sat down. They started to eat. "You've been really good mood lately. What are you excited about?" Dizzy asked.

'I'm excited about a lot things, but the main thing I'm excited about is for my birthday next week." Melody said.

"That is exciting." Dizzy said getting excited herself. "We'll have to have a party for you."

"You don't have to throw me a party." said Melody.

"You're having a party." Dizzy said.

"Ok." Melody said. "I'll even plan it. With your mom of course." Dizzy said. "We can next weekend." 

"Thank you." Melody said. They quickly finished their breakfast and walked to English.

After English, Melody headed to History. She walked in, sat in her seat, and got her stuff out. They had recently begun discussing other kingdoms in Auradon. As the class ended, the teacher assigned them to do a paper on a kingdom that wasn't the that they were from. She packed up her bag and started head out of the class, but she was stopped by Aaron. "Hey. Do you want to hang out later?" He said. "We could go off campus and work on our papers together."

"I have swim practice, but I'll meet at the entrance afterwards." Melody said.

"Ok. Sounds good." said Aaron. Melody headed out of history and walked to Science. After Science, Melody walked to the cafeteria for lunch. She got her lunch and looked for a seat. She saw Ben with Mal, Evie, and Doug and walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" She said sitting down.

"Hey Melody!" They all said.

"How have you've been?" Evie asked.

"I've been good." Melody answered. "How are you all?"

"Good." They all replied.

"How are your classes going?" Ben asked.

"Great." Melody said. "I really like my classes and teachers."

"That's good." Ben said.

"Have you joined any clubs or sports yet?" asked Mal.

"Yeah. I joined the swim team." Melody said. "We have our first swim meet on Thursday."

"That's cool." Doug said.

"So, Dizzy told me that your birthday was next week." Evie said.

"Yeah, my birthday is next Saturday." said Melody. "She and my mom are having a party for me that day. You guys should come."

"We'd love to come." Ben said.

"Yeah." The rest agreed.

"Cool." Melody finished her lunch, said bye to her friends, and then headed to her next class.

After Math ended, she made her way to the pool area. She walked into the girls changing room and changrd into her swimsuit. She put her hair up and walked out to the pool. She was early, so none of the other members had arrived yet. She saw her mom and walked over to her. "Hey Mom." she said hugging her.

"Hey sweetie." Ariel said as she hugged her daughter back. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you." Melody said.

"Good." Ariel answered back. "So, now that you've been here for a few weeks, what do you think of the school? Is it as bad as you thought it was going to be?" Ariel asked.

"No. I actually really like the school. You were right." Melody admitted.

"How are your classes going?" asked Ariel.

"Good." Melody said. "I'm doing well in them."

"That's great." Ariel said smiling.

"Oh, Dizzy might talk to you about having a party for my birthday next weekend." Melody said.

"She already did." Ariel said. "She came by my office today during lunch to ask me about it. I think it's a wonderful idea."

"Really?" Melody asked.

"Yeah." said Ariel. She smiled at her daughter. Melody heard some of the other team members walk. She walked over to a spot and started stretching.

Melody(A Descendants Fanfic)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now