Chapter 6

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It was Sunday morning. Melody was sitting in her mom's room, eating chocolate pancakes for breakfast. "How was your first week of school?" Ariel asked her daughter.

"It was good." Melody said. "I met a couple of the other students. The classes are good too."

"That's great, sweetie. I'm glad you're making friends." Ariel said.

"So, I was thinking of starting swim tryouts this coming week. I'm going to put the sign up sheet up this evening." she said.

"Ok." Melody said, continuing to eat.

"I have an idea." said Ariel. "Why don't we go into town and spend the day together. I heard there's a shopping center and a salon. We could go shopping and get our nails done."

"Yeah." Melody said as she finished her breakfast. "I'm going to go grab my purse. I'll meet you at the entrance." she said.

"Ok." said Ariel. Melody headed to her dorm. When she walked in, she saw Dizzy sitting on her bed drawing.

"Hey." Melody said. Dizzy looked up.

"Oh hey. I was wondering where you were. You were gone when I woke up this morning." She said.

"I had breakfast with my mom." Melody said. She walked over to Dizzy and looked at what see was drawing. There were sketches of outfits and dresses.

"Those look awesome." she said.

"Thanks." Dizzy said said.

"Me and my mom are going into town to go shopping and get our nails done. Do you want to join us?" Melody asked.

"Sure." Dizzy said. She put her sketchbook on the desk and grabbed one of the keys, while Melody grabbed her purse. They walked into the hall. Dizzy locked their room and they headed to the entrance. When they got to the entrance, Melody saw her mom waiting.

"Hey Mom. This is my roommate, Dizzy." Melody said.

"It's nice to meet you, Dizzy." Ariel said.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Triton." said Dizzy.

They walked out of the entrance and headed into town. They headed towards the shopping center. They walked into a store and started browsing through the clothes. After a little bit, they walked out each having bahs with them. By the they had finished shopping, it was lunchtime. "Why don't we get some lunch before we get our nails done?" Ariel suggested.

"Ok." Melody said Dizzy said in agreement. They walked into a small café and sat at a table. A waiter came over to take their orders. Melody ordered a ham and cheese sandwich with fries and lemonade. After a couple of minutes, the waiter brought their food. They started eating.

"So Dizzy. Where are you from?" Ariel asked, trying to get to know her.

"The Isle of the Lost." said Dizzy.

"Ahh ok." Ariel said. "How long have you've been at the school?"

"A couple of weeks." Dizzy said.

"So you're fairly new to the school too." Ariel said.

"Yeah." Dizzy said.

"How old are you? Ariel asked.

"Fourteen." said Dizzy.

"I'll be thirteen soon." Melody said. "My birthday's in a couple of weeks."

"Nice." said Dizzy. "We'll have to have a party for you."

"Yeah. That'd be fun." Melody said.

They all finished eating and Ariel paid for their meals. They walked out of the café and headed to the salon. They walked in and sat in a couple of chairs. They got manicures and pedicures done. Dizzy got green nails, Ariel got purple, and Melody got sea colored nails." Once they were done, they walked out and headed back to the Academy. When they got there, Ariel said bye to Melody.

"I'll see you tomorrow." she said as she kissed Melody on the forehead.

"Ok." Melody said. Ariel turned to Dizzy.

"Again, it was nice meeting you." she said.

"You too." Dizzy said. Melody and Dizzy walked back to their room and spent the rest of the day working on homework.

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