Chapter 19

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A few weeks later, Melody skipped excitedly to lunch. Melody was beyond excited for the dance that was coming up. She had found out that Queen Belle and King Adam had an annual ball and the entire the school was abuzz about it. It was the only anyone had been talking about lately. She walked into the cafeteria and got a ham and cheese sandwich. She saw Dizzy, Mal, Evie, and Jane sitting at a table. She walked over to them sat down. "Hey guys." She said.

"Hey Melody." They all greeted her.

"Are you excited for the ball?" Jane asked.

"Of course" Melody said.

"All of us were planning on going dress shopping after school today." Evie said. "Would you like to join us?"

"Sounds like fun." Melody said. "I'd love to."

"Great." Evie said. "We're all meeting at the entrance at 2:15."

"Ok." Melody said. For the rest of lunch, they all talked about the ball and the dresses they were going to get.

Later after her last class ended, Melody dropped her books off at her dorm and made her way to the entrance. When she got there, she saw Evie and Dizzy there. "Now, we're just waiting for Mal and Jane." Evie said.

Soon, Mal and Jane arrived and they headed towards the shopping center. They walked into a dress shop and browsed through the racks. Once each of them found a couple dresses, they all changed into them and showed each other. Melody went into the dressing room and changed into a coral blue dress she found. She came out and showed the girls the dress.

"What do you guys think?" Melody asked.

"It's beautiful." Evie said.

"It looks great on you." Dizzy said.

"Thank you." Melody said. She went back into the dressing room, changed back, and came back out. Once the rest tried on their dresses, they checked out the dresses they chose. They headed back to the Academy.

When they got back, Melody saw Aaron walking around. He saw her and went over her. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Yeah." Melody said. She handed her bag to Dizzy. "Can you take this to our room?" She asked her.

"Of course." Dizzy said, taking the bag. Melody walked away from the girls and went over to Aaron.

"How are you doing?" He asked her as he kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm doing good." Melody said, smiling at him. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Aaron said.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Melody asked.

"I wanted to ask you something." Aaron said.

"What is it?" Melody asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball together." Aaron said.

"I'd love to go to the ball with you." Melody said.

"Great." Aaron said, smiling. "I'll see you then."

"See you then." Melody said. Aaron walked off and Melody headed to her dorm.

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