Chapter 15

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Ariel, Eric, and Melody got to the party room. The room was dark. They walked inside and Dizzy jumped out from behind a couch. "Surprise!" She said. Everyone else jumped out and yelled surprise. Dizzy rushed over to Melody and hugged her.

"Happy birthday Melody." She said.

"You did all this for me?" Melody asked as she hugged Dizzy back.

"Of course. You're my best friend." Dizzy said, smiling at Melody. Melody grinned a huge smile, hearing Dizzy say that. Her parents hugged her.

"Happy birthday baby." Ariel said.

"Happy birthday princess." said Eric. He kissed her on the forehead. Melody looked around the room. She saw all of her friends Ben, Jane, Doug, the VK's, and Aaron. She saw Aaron across the room and walked over to him.

"Hey there." She said.

"Hey." He said, smiling. He kissed her on the cheek. "Happy birthday." He said.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"How are you today." He asked.

"It started off not good, but it's getting better." She said.

"Oh I'm sorry it started off bad." He said.

"It's fine." She said. "I'm going to go say hi to other guests."

"Ok." Aaron said. Melody walked off. She walked to the food table. She put a piece of pizza and a couple of cookies on a plate. She grabbed a soda. She looked around. She saw Ben, Doug, Jane, and the VK kids talking to each other. She walked over to them.

"Hey guys." She said.

"Hey Melody." They all said. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." Melody said.

"Are you glad it's finally your birthday?" Evie asked. "You haven't stopped talking about it for two weeks."

"Yeah." Melody said laughing.

"Oh." Jane said. "You made the cheer team."

"Really?!" Melody asked.

"Yeah." Jane said. "Practices are Tuesday's and Thursday's. Come early on Tuesday to get your uniform."

"Ok." Melody said. She was so excited. She walked off. A few minutes later, her parents walked up to her.

"Are you enjoying your party, sweetie?" Ariel asked.

"Yes." Melody said.

"Who was that boy you were talking earlier?" Eric asked.

"His name's Aaron. He's in one Of my classes." Melody said.

"Do you like him?" Eric asked.

"I don't know. Maybe." Melody said. "We've only hung out a couple times." 

"I want to meet him. Invite him over for breakfast tomorrow morning, in your mother's room." Eric said.

"What! Why?." Melody asked.

"I can't meet some of my daughter's friends?" Eric asked. "No, you can." Melody said.

"Then invite him." Eric said.

"Ok." Melody said.

Later, everyone was singing happy birthday to her and her father had given everyone a piece of cake. Melody was looking for a place to sit, when she saw Aaron sitting at a table. She walked over to him. "Mind if I join you?" She asked. He looked up and saw Melody.

"Of course." He said. Melody sat down next to Aaron.

"So why did you have a bad start to your day?" He asked concerned.

"My parents lied to me and kept something from me my entire life. But they finally told me today." Melody said.

"Ahh ok." Aaron said. "So how old are you today?" He asked.

"Thirteen." Melody said.

"I remember my thirteenth birthday party." Aaron said.

"How old are you now?" Melody asked.

"Fourteen." He said.

"Ahh, So what was your thirteenth birthday party like?" Melody asked.

"It was a quiet party." Aaron said. "With my mom, dad, aunt, and my dad's pet reindeer."

"That's cool." Melody said.

"So listen, my dad wants to have you over for breakfast tomorrow and meet you." 

"Ok." Aaron said. "What time?"

"Eight o' clock." Melody said.

"Alright. I'll be there." said Aaron.

"Great." Melody said, smiling at Aaron. Aaron smiled back at her. Later that evening, everyone gathered outside to watch fireworks. Melody smiled. It was the best birthday ever.

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