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*1 month later*

Today is mine and Ricky's one month anniversary. Me and Sam rarely talk. Nothing more than it was before. Im not sure what me and Ricky have planned for today, but im pretty sure its going to be special. All of a sudden, i started getting  bunch of texts from everyone.


Jenn: Have you seen Connor's most recent video??

Jack: Dude, check out Connor's recent video if you havnt already.

I got about 20 more after that. I grabbed my computer, opened it, and opened youtube. I clicked on the O2L profile, then Connor's video. After the video, i ran into Connor's room and noticed he was sitting on his bed.

"Connor, i support your decision, and i love you Cookie!!!" I ran up to him and giving him a huge hug. I started to cry.

"Its ok and thank you Jules. Thank you so much for supporting me. I wouldnt be here without you guys. And-" I stopped him.

"No. I wouldnt be here without you Connor Franta. Your videos and the guys' videos are what got me here in the first place to meet ya'll. Im so thankful!" I yelled as i hugged him tightly again. A tear dropped out of my eye.

"No dont cry its ok. Everything's going to be alright." He rubbed circles into my back and wiped the tears off my cheek. Thank goodness i wasnt wearing any makeup.

"I love you Connor Franta. Forever and always one of your biggest fans!"I said as i got up and kissed him on the cheek. 

He blushed."Thanks gorgeous"

We walked out of the room while my eyes were still puffy red from crying. 

Connor walked out in front of me and i tried to follow him, but instead, a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind.

"Guess who?" 

"Hmmmm who could it possibly be?" I said as i turned around and wrapped my arms around ....

Sam's neck??????

I quickly let go "Dude, what the hell are you doing?"

"Please just let me explain! Give me 1 minute!"

"30 seconds tops, and thats it" I said as i crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

"Im so sorry! I shouldnt of cheated on you! I know! Im such a horrible person for that and i completly understand if you dont trust me but please give me another chance!"He begged.

"One, i cant trust you like that anymore. Two, im dating Ricky. Three, its our anniversary. And four, were better off being friends. We never really argued when we were friends soo im sorry Sam, but i just have to say no." I said sternly as i walked off.

"OK but your gonna regret that.." He said as he walked into his room, grabbed his stuff,and left.

What could he mean?

"Jules!"  I heard Ricky call me from downstairs.

I walked downstairs and nobody was there.

"SUPRISE!"Ricky jumped up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Happy One month baby" He said as he kissed my cheek.

"Open it" He said to me.

I opened it and it turned out to be a purple penny board(my favorite color) with an O2L and RD decal on it. Plus it had my decal on it. JS.

"Thank you thank you so so much!" I jumped up and down and screamed.

"Oh shit, i left your present upstairs hang on brb" I said as i sprinted back upstairs. Man, ive never ran so fast in my life.

"Here ya go, open it up."I handed him a BIG box wrapped in wrapping paper.

He opened it up and it had decals on the side of just the box itself. Such as Vans, Adidas, Converse, Etc. Then, he opened the two wrapped presents inside. A $200 gift card to any shoe store. And a $100 gift card to Panera Bread.

"Babe! I love it! Thank you so much!" He said as he hugged me tightly and spun me around. 

I whispered to him, " We need to buy Connor a preseant to because he's leaving O2L"

"Oh yeah" He whispered back.

"Ok how about we take him out to dinner. We'll invite everybody. And i mean EVERYBODY. It can be at Taco Bell. It'll be a huge suprise yeah?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah sounds awesome!!!!!!" I yelled.

We called every single person we knew, that knew about Connor. And we called people we didnt know, but knew Connor.

After about 30 minutes, we told Connor to get in the car, so we could just treat him to a "special little dinner" for "just the three of us" at Taco Bell.

When we arrived, the lights were off and everyone was hiding.

"Um, i think theyre closed." Connor said.

"No its all good, i got a key from the manager, because i started working here." I lied.

I opened the door and turned the lights on. As soon as the lights went on, everybody popped up.


He started to tear up as he was smiling. There was a banner strung across the top of the building that said " WE'RE GOING TO MISS YOU COOKIE".

"I love you guys so much!" He said to all of us as he gave us hugs. 

"We love you too" I yelled.

After the party was over, Ricky and I drove Connor home so he could pack his stuff. He was leaving at 6am tommorow for his flight back home in Florida. It was sad.

After Connor got out of the car, me and Ricky decided to go take a stroll on the beach. It was already 10pm and dark but we didnt even care. We had to be quiet because your not supposed to be out passed 9 and there were security guards on watch.

Me and Ricky sat in the sand. Hand in hand. This night couldnt get any better.

"Ya know, i love you" He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I blushed, " And you know i love you" I leaned in to kiss him on  the cheek, but he turned his head so we kissed for so long until the guard tried chasing after us. 

What a night..


I want to know how you guys feel about Julia and Ricky.. Do you prefer her to be back with Sam? Do you want her to be with someone else in O2L or out of it? Just let me know, and i will try my hardest to make it happen. ILY!

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