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---2 weeks later---

Jc called me today. I didn't answer though. He stopped by unexpectedly .

" Jc um hey..."

He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"You havnt returned any of my calls or texts. I know you were busy, but if you actually cared, you wouldve atleast said something. I can't do this Jc. I know you don't love me. You like me. And I'm sorry but I don't love OR like you. I dont know if i can deal with Sam, Ricky, and now you. Its just too much. Coming back to the O2L house after i tried leaving, was supposed to be a fresh start. All it was, was just the same as before. Everything went bad again. I dont want that happening." I said sternly.

"Can i tell you something?" I began to ask him.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Coming to LA was like my second chance. I had always dreamed of meeting you guys. And just meeting you guys. I never thought of actually living with the O2L boys and possibly dating them. For me, that was just a dream. When i was about 1, my mom adopted me and my brother and we ended up living in a small, small town somewhere in California. I saved up so much money to come out here. I begged my mom for years. She JUST now let me come out here to LA. My 19th birthday is coming up November 21st (Which is 20 days from now), and honestly, all i want to do is see her and my brother. I havnt seen them since i moved here with you and the guys. This was a whole new plan. All im saying, is that i really hope to see my mom and my brother one last time. I dont want a party, all i want is a night with them. And right now, i need to go shopping for my apartment since i havnt. I moved in 3 weeks ago, and i STILL havnt decorated it. So if you dont mind-" He cut me off with a kiss. 

I pulled away, " Jc stop. You need to leave."

"But -"

"Now" I said sternly.

He sighed, then opened the door and left.

Well, i guess i should call my mom, and let her know im coming.

It rang.


"Hey mom!! I miss you so much!! I have some great news! Im coming out-" The phone broke up.

"Your what?"

"Mom im-" She cut me off.

"Im sorry hunny, um, right now isnt quite a good time. I have to go sweety/. I love you bye!!!" I heard a laugh and her saying 'stop it' playfully.

"But mom-" The phone hung up.

WTF was that?Well im gonna go shopping. Maybe Andrea will go with me. So i texted her.

To: AndweaPoo

Hey gurl, wanna go shopping today? 

From: AndweaPoo

I wish! Im sorry, but im spending the day with Kian today. Soon though ok?

To: AndweaPoo

Ok ;( ttyl

From: AndweaPoo


I ended up texting Jenn and asking her too, but she was hanging out with Jack(ThatsoJack) and Lohanthony. On my way to the mall by myself, i decided to stop by the O2L house to grab the rest of my stuff. 

I walked in the door and Sam was sitting on the couch, playing with his phone. 

"Uh hey Sam"

" i..tell you something?" He asked.

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