So Much For Truce

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"Do you think something is going on between them? Dad asked Cat.

"Maybe, I mean those two want to tear each other apart, But if you pay really close attention, those two have a lot of chemistry."

"Which I wouldn't mind, I don't like that Marissa girl."

"Thought it was Mara." Dad said to her.

"Potato potahto." She answered as dad laughed.

A month flew by, Elijah and I didn't pulled anymore pranks, we started to talk more.

Saturday morning came and guess who joined us for breakfast, yup bitchy Mara.

"Morning, Dana." She said.

"Its Dani, But I guess that name is too hard for you to pronounce." I said causing everyone to laugh.

"Stop laughing." She said to Elijah.

"If something is funny I laugh." He shrugged.

"Listen Marissa, don't tell my son what he can or can't do." Cat said to her, she just lowered her head, but glared at me.

"I have to go, I'll see you later babe." She gave him a kiss, then left.

"Finally she's gone." Cat said, I chuckled.

"You find that funny?" Elijah asked a little annoyed.

"Yes I do, the girl needs manners and she's a bit of an air head." I said to him. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"It's rude to roll your eyes, so stop that." I told him.

"Aren't you gonna tell her not to boss me around?" He asked his mom.

"Nah, she's right."


"Course, I like her. I don't like Maria." She shrugged.

"Awesome." He sighed.

"Awe, pouting is bad for the soul." I pinched his cheeks.

"So is being a pain." He pinched my cheeks back. Dad and cat left the kitchen. Few minutes later, food was flying. Yeah so much for truce.

Cat and dad entered the kitchen again. "We're going out, This kitchen better be clean when we come back." Dad ordered us. We just nodded. They left.

"This is your fault." I said to him.

"Me? who started to attack me."

"I didn't, I just wanted to pinch your cheeks." I giggled

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Because they're cute." I pinched them again. "Awe, is someone blushing?" I asked.

"I don't blush." He answered as he took a step closer to me.

"Yes you do." I took a step closer.

"I think is the other way around." He said pushed me against the wall. Not hard though.

"Ever heard of personal space." I asked with crossed arms.

"Nope." He leaned closer and whispered in a husky voice "You're blushing."

"No, I'm not." I covered my cheeks.

"Red is a nice color on you, now let's clean." My heart was racing like crazy, I was in very deep shit.

"Shut up." I playfully punched his arm. He just laughed.

After cleaning the kitchen we both went to watch a horror movie.

"I bet you anything as soon as she goes through that door, she's history." I told him.

"No, as soon as she goes to the basement, she's history."

"You'll see."

"If I win, I can ask for anything." He smirked. 

"Same for me then."

"Okay, let the bet begin."

Twenty minutes later and guess who won?

"Told you, princess."

"Bite me." I replied with crossed arms.


"Ouch, you tool."

"You said to bite you."

"Not literally." I glared at him. "I need to watch what I say around you." I got up only to get dragged back. "You and I need a talk about personal space." I said.

He just laughed.

"Get off me." Yep, he got on top of me, my insides were about to explode.

"I know what I want from you." He removed a strand of hair from my face.


"This." He captured my lips with his.

Oh my God, was I dreaming? Someone pinch me.

"Princess, are you still with me?" He said getting me out of my daydream.

Ah shit. "Y- yeah, what's up." I tried to act normal.

"I said I know what I want from you."

"Okay, and what's that."

"I'll let you know soon." He told me before getting off me.


Later that night I was pacing in my room, ughh. I was so confused, I don't like him, I don't like him. I was pacing and rambling things to myself. I decided to go for a late night coffee. I made my way out, and I saw Elijah with Mara cuddled up. This bites.

"Going somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, I need coffee, bye." I said before slamming the door.

I'm supposed to hate him, he drives me crazy, then why do I feel like this? After getting my coffee I went to my car.

"Finally I got you alone." I knew that voice.

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