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"Maybe we should take a break" Kian whispers, "Kian come on, we can get through this" i say, my eyes threating to tears any minute, Kian runs his hand through his hair, which he does when he's stressed, "Y/N you know it's for the best" he pauses, "we keep fighting, we fight literally everyday" he says, his eyes watering I nod, I went to walk away to pack my things, I mean after all it is his apartment. He grabs my arm as I went to turn away, "maybe we can try again in a couple months, but I want you to know that I love you so much, and I will never stop" he tells me, "I love you too" I say and pull my arm out of his grasp. I walk to his room, and pack my things, as I do I call my best friend, Blake.

"Hey" he answers on the 4th ring, "Can I crash at your apartment for a little bit?" "Of course, but what happened between you and Kian?" He asks, "I'll tell you later, I'll be there in like 45 mins" he says okay, and I hang up. I finish packing and bring my 2 backpacks and my suitcases, to the door I figured I should tell Kian I was leaving, I try to find him, and he was on his balcony, "I'm leaving" I say, my voice cracked, F- you voice, he nods I take off the necklace that he gave me for our year anniversary. "Here" I hold out my hand, and he finally turns arounds, "I don't deserve this" "yes yo-" "no I don't" I cut him off, he shakes his head and turns back around.

I sigh and put the necklace on the kitchen counter, I grab my bags, go to my car. I soon make it to Blakes apartment, I just grab my backpack, and go up to his apartment. I knock, and in a matter of seconds, he opens the door, he wraps me in a hug, and I let what I've been holding in for the past hour or so out. After I'm done and I wipe my eyes, I tell Blake everything. "How about me go get Froyo like old times" he smiles, I smile "you always have the best ideas" I say and we go to the frozen yogurt place a couple miles done the street. We have a good time, it took my mind off of Kian. We finish our frozen yogurt, and we start to head back to his apartment, it starts raining. Blake and I was laughing, and going through a green light, when all I feel is the car spinning, and everything go black...


I wake up to a bright lit white room with a pounding headache. "Oh honey" I hear my mom say, "you're awake" "what time is it?" I ask and try to sit up without my side hurting, "Noon" i hear my dad say, "Where's Blake? Is he okay?" i ask and rub my head, my mom and dad look at each other. "What happened?" I say sturnly, "Y/N" my mom pauses, "Blake didn't make it..." she finally says, it took me a minute to get that through my head, "take me to him" I say as tears leave my eyes, "Y/N-" "TAKE ME TO HIM" I scream at her, "okay" she says and goes and gets a nurse. They roll me into his room, and there's a sheet over him, more tears escape my eyes, "no" I whisper, "no" I say louder, I bring my self to the edge of his bed, I pull the sheet off his head, and chest. I grab his hand, "you can't leave me" I whisper, "you can't" he doesn't respond, he does nothing.

I cried so hard, Blake and I have been through so much through out our life's together, at night I cried myself to sleep, I was in the hospital for a week, I had a small concussion, from when the car I guess landed on its side, well thats what my parents said, I also had a broken arm. My parents left for their stupid vacation they booked. The only person who came to see me was Blakes parents, of course my friends didn't know. I checked myself out of the hospital, and took a taxi to my car. I get in cry, I already miss Blake so much, why does god hate me right now? i aks myself.

I decided to do something, but I feel like I know I would regret it. But I don't care right now, I needed someone. I pull into Kian's apartment building parking lot, I take the elevator up to Kian's floor, go to his apartment door, I seen his car in the parking lot. I knock, my breathing becomes fast, I hear his feet againest the hard wood floor, he opens it, and as soon as he does, I wrap him in a hug. i cry so much, "I'm so sorry" I whisper, "I am so sorry" I cry, "what happened?" He questions and walks me to the couch. I forgot about my blue cast on my lower arm.

He sits beside me, "so what happened?" He asks again and point to my cast. "Oh that" I say and look at it, "I got in a car accident" I say and look at him, "and...." I trail off, I feel my eyes start to tear up, I look up at Kian, I open my mouth but no words come out, Kian reaches over and he grabs my hand, "it's okay" he tells me "tell me". "I was in the car accident with Blake, and Blake..." I trial off again, "he didn't make it" I say and a tear leaves my eye. Before I know it Kian wraps me in a hug, I cry, and cry. I cried for about 15 minutes in his chest. Kian just say there and held me, I push myself away from him.

"I-I am so sorry I came here and bothered you, I just-I just I needed someone to talk to and my pare-" I was rambling till I got cut off with soft plump lips, I kiss back he arms wrap around my waist and brings me closer, he breaks and he leans his forehead on mine, and looks up in my eyes, "when did the accident happen?" He asks in a whisper "that night" I whisper back. He hugs me again, I let go again, "Y/N I regret letting you go, I know I said we should take break but I miss you so much, it's so quiet around here without you and I want to get back together, I love you with everything I have, and I believe we can get through this together" he tells me and I know he's telling the truth with that look in his eye, and he's not laughing, "I-I don't know what to say" "say yes" he says and kisses my cheek, I smile, and nod, he smiles back and kisses me.

Kian helped a lot through my best friends death and I am so thankful for Kian.
I really hope you guys enjoy this imagine, because this was really hard to write. Emotionally. My best friend died in car accident too. R.I.P Blake💙 I miss you💯 Fly High💕

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