👶🏼You Tell Him You're Pregnant👶🏼

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I lay the positive pregnant test on the bathroom counter, and cover my mouth with my hands. Kian and I have been trying for a baby for awhile now, and we haven't had any luck. But now having the symptoms, and this pregnant test has a plus on it, makes me so happy. I smile to myself, and put my hand on my stomach, theres actually a human inside me. I quickly go to mine and Kians bedroom and pick up my phone off the nightstand, but I stop myself from calling Kian. I'm going surprise him, it was noon, and Kian was at Jc's house filming a video for KnJ.

I grab my keys, phone, and my wallet, and get in my Range Rover. I still call Kian, he answers after like 7 rings—

K- "Hey baby"

Y- "Hey when will you be home?" I ask

K- "Umm" he hmmms "around 4 why?"

Y- "Cause Franny wants me to help her with something, so I'll see you when you get home."

K- "Oookay, I love you."

Y- "I love you too" I say and hang up.

I pull into Walmart, and go in and grab a buggy, I got all the ingredients I need to make Kians favorite meal, which is alfredo sause, with bowtie noodles, and shrimp. I also get some garlic bread. I grab Kian a 2 liter of coke, I go to the baby section, and get a baby girl onesie, and a baby boy onesie, I also grab a bottle. I head to check out, after I get all the bags in the car, and I get in the car. I go to the dollar tree. I make it fast because I have cold stuff in the car, but I grab baby blue, and light pink balloons, a plain white gift bag, and I grab a rectangle white box to put the pregnant test inside. While I'm at the check out, I grab 2 baby bottle pop candy. I check out and head to the house. When I got back to the house, and got everything inside, it was 2:30, I start getting the gift bag ready.

I wrap the end of the pregnant test in blue, and pink tissue paper, and tape, and I put it in the white rectangle box. I wrap the box in a piece of pink tissue paper, and in a piece of blue tissue paper. I put that at the bottom of the gift bag, I then put the baby onesies and then I top it off with the candy. I put the rest of the tissue paper on top, to hide all the goodies inside the bag. I put the bag in the laundry room, so he won't see it, I check the time, and it was 3, I start to boil water, and as I wait for the water to boil, I blow up pink, and blue balloons.

I was almost done cooking, when I hear the front door open, I smile, and "um Y/N?" I hear Kian say, I chuckle he was looking at all the pink and blue balloons in the living room, I walk into the living room myself to see Kian playing with 2 balloons. I smile, "whats up with the balloons?" He questions, I want to wait till after dinner to tell him, so I said, "I was bored" he laughs, and sits on the couch. "I'm making your favorite" I smile at him, and walk back to the kitchen, "OOOO BOWTIE ALFREDO" he yells, and he comes into the kitchen, he made up that name for this meal.

I make our plates, and put them on the dining room table, I make Kians drink, and I just get water like I usually do.

"Babe this is sooo good" he says midway through eating, "thanks" I say and chuckle, "of course baby". "Are you done?" I ask him, he nods, and went to get up, "no stay" I push him back down, he looks at me weird. I walk away, put the dishes in the sink, and I go to get the gift bag. I grab it, and set it on the table in front of him, he looks at me weirdly, "its not the 26th is it?" He asks me, the 26th is the date we started dating, we've been dating for almost 3 1/2 years now.

I giggle "no its not, but just open it" I say and lean against the chair, he grabs the bag, and pulls out the tissue paper, he then pulls out the baby bottle pop candy, he looks at me weird again, I just smile, he sets them on the table, and goes to the next thing. He pulls out the cloths, he just looks at them, "no way" he looks up at me, "keep going, theres one more thing in there". He sets down the cloths, and pulls out the tissue paper, he unwraps the box, and soon opens the box. In a matter of not even a minute, I see him get up, he grabs my face and kisses me, his hands were on my cheeks. He keeps the kiss, and soon breaks, he smiles "you're pregnant?" He asks, I smile and nod, he smiles wider, he spins me around, like we were slow dancing. When Kian gets happy, he spins me around, I don't know why he does it but its so cute. "Thats what the balloons were for" he says as it clicks in his head. I just smile. We're, well I'm finally pregnant!!

*Later That Night*

"I have to tell my mom" Kian speaks up and grabs his phone, I nod "unless you want you're mom to know first" he says and looks at me, "no its okay" I smile, "are you sure?" He asks I nod. He sets his phone up where she could see both of us, and Kian facetimes her. She soon picks, and theres a smile plastered on her face, it brightens even more, when she sees I'm there, "Y/N" she smiles, "Hey" I smile back, "geez mom, I'm here too" "yeah but I always talk to you" I chuckle, "love you too mom" "oh Kian stop being a baby, you know I love you" the word baby keeps ringing in my mind.

"Yeah I know, but anyways mom we have something to tell you" Kian says and puts his hand on my thigh. "Okay" she smiles, "We're having a baby" Kian smiles, I smile too she gasps, and then she smiles "oh my god guys, I'm having my first grandchild, I'm so happy for you guys" she says with so much happiness. We keep talking for about 30 minutes when I ask Kian if we could talk to her later, cause I want to tell my mom too. "Okay mom, we still want to call Y/Ns mom so we'll talk to you later" "awhh I was the first one to know, but okay love you guys, bye" she blows a kiss "love you, bye" Kian and I say in sync.

We call my mom and she had a similar reaction, but she wants us to get married first, but she still supports us. "Okay mom its 9, and we have to get bed" "okay honey, I love you guys" "we love you too" I blow a kiss, and I end it. Kian kisses me, "I love you" "I love you too" I say back. That night we started discussing baby names.

*Next Day*

We invited our close friends to the house for a pool party so we could tell our them about me being pregnant. Kian and I just got 6 boxes of pizza, chips and some sodas and water. Simple, we invited Corey, Jc, Chelsey, Franny, Bobby, Ricky, etc. Kian and I were sitting on the side of the pool, with just our legs in while everyone else as in the pool, Kian was drinking a beer, and laughing, his arm was behind me. "I'm ready" I whisper to Kian, he nods, and gets everyones attention, by screaming of course.

"Y/N and I have something to tell you guys" Kian speaks up, "ohhh reallyyy" Bobby says, and little comments were made, "OKAY" Kian yells, "anyways" Kian looks at me to say it, "we're having a baby guys" I smile, the guys screams, and congratulates Kian, Franny, and Chelsey pull me into the water and hug me I smile, "how far along are you?" Franny asks, "um I don't know yet, I go to the doctor next week" "yeah my mom got her the best pregnant doctor in L.A." Kian says. The girls hug me again, Jc comes up to me, "congrats" he says and picks me up in a hug, "thanks".

We were all sitting there till Jc starts laughing historically, "what the hell are you laughing at?" Corey says, "they went HAAA, and HAAA" Jc says using his weird voice he used while making an 'Okay' sign with his hands and shaving his pointer finger into the hole. Classic Jc I shake my head and laugh with everyone.


I hope you guys like this one! I really do, but if you guys want parts, comment, or if you want part 2 can we get 3 votes?

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