💯H8ters Try To Hate💯

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I'm Y/N Y/L/N and in a YouTuber. My channel consists of D.I.Ys, morning/night routines, make up, hauls, and other things. I have almost 2million subscribers that I'm so thankful for.

I of course get hate, what famous person doesn't, but most of my hate comes from me dating my boyfriend Kian Lawley.

Anyways, today I was walking in the hotel lobby where Vidcon was being held, when there was a little girl about 5 or 6 looking around, more like looking for someone, with tears streaming down her face.

I quickly walk towards the little girl. "Hi baby, are you okay?" I ask, and she shakes her head, "I-I lost my mommy" she sobs, "hey hey it's okay, we'll find her, come on" i went to pick her up, but she steps away, "princess it's okay, you can trust me, we're gonna find your mommy, okay?" I ask, and try to reason with her.

It takes her a few seconds, and she nods, and lets me pick her up. As I do pick her up, I hear screams outside the lobby, fans watching me help this little girl.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I ask and start walking towards the check in counter, "Charlotte" she croaks out. "That's a pretty name" I smile at her, as I wait in line to talk to one if the workers. I look over at Kian, and he's smiling at me. I smile back, and put my attention back on Charlotte. We soon get to the front,
"How may I help you?" The lady asks, "yes I found this little girl Charlotte, and she lost her mother, so if she gives you her last name, could I take her to their room?" I ask, "oh of course, sweetie what's your last name?" She asks Charlotte, "Carson" she says in her small voice.

The lady types into the computer, and soon says "their room number is 425" "okay thank you so much" I say and walk towards the elevator. Charlotte and I get to the 4th floor and find the hotel room. I knock on the door and no one opens it or says anything.

So Charlotte and I againest the wall, I ask her questions, and she answers and she asks me questions, and I answer. We sit there for about 10 minutes or so, when Charlotte quickly gets up and runs to a woman who I assume is her mother.

Her moms gives me a dirty look though, why?

"You are the person you stole my daughter, I'm calling the cops to arrest your ass" her mom says. "No no no mommy, Y/N brought me back here, she didn't take me" Charlotte says, "what Charlotte?" Her mom asks, "Y/N found me and brought me here, she saved me"

"I'm so sorry, I thought you took her, and I was wrong" her mom apologizes, "no it's okay, I probably would've thought the same if I had kids" I smile, "thank you so much for bringing her back, I've looked everywhere for her" "of course, I was walking in the lobby and I saw her crying, looking around, so I just had to help her" I say back.

"Charlotte can I get a picture with you?" I ask, and she nods with a smile. I hand the mom my phone and I pick up Charlotte. We pose and the picture is taken.

"Thank you again" "of course, see you guys around" I smile and walk away. I take the elevator down to the lobby and went to find Kian. I couldn't find him, but I found Franny, Bobby, Corey, and Jc, "Y/N that was so sweet of you to help that little girl" Franny coos at me, "yeah, you're so nice" Bobby says too. Corey and Jc agree too,  "thank you, I just had to help her" "we know, also we know you're looking for Kian, and he went to his room" Corey says.

I smile, and nod and walk to the elevator again. I take it up to Kians floor. I knock on his door, and he soon opens it, and smiles.

"Baby I'm so proud of you for helping that little girl" he smiles at me, "thank you, I just had to help her" I reply "you help people all the time babe, like yesterday you helped the old lady to her car and put her groceries in her car in the rain and 2 days before that you gave money to a homeless person and bought them food, baby your so nice, and caring and sweet" Kian tells me. "And I love you for that" I smile and peck his lips, "I love you too".

Kian and i just sit in his bed and I post the photo of Charlotte and me. I captioned it saying 'Today I helped this little girl find her mommy. She was lost and I helped her. I feel so accomplished today. I love helping people who are in need.'

As soon as I post it I start getting comments and likes quickly. As I read some of them I smile, till one count my eye. 'I hate you for dating my favorite person, @kianlawley, and I would send you a hate comment but I have no rude words for you' I smile.

"Kian, I think your fans are finally coming around to the thought of us" I say and look over at him. "Thats great baby" he leans in and kisses me.


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