😇You Have A Family Problem😇

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Kian and I were at Jc's house, they just got done making a video. I was sitting next to Kian, and he had his arm around my shoulder's. We were all just talking, and laughing, when my phone starts vibrating beside me on the couch. I pick it up to see that it was my sister calling me, I sigh "hey guys I have to take this, ill be right back" I get up, and walk outside to answer. As I do, I hear Jc ask who it was, and Kian replied with I don't know.

Y- "Hey Y/S/N"

S- "Hey Y/N, how are you?"

I know its coming.

Y- "Im good, and you?' I ask back

S- "Actually I'm in a bit of a pickle..." she trails off.

I run my head through my hair.

She continues.

S-"I'm 200 short on my apartment rent, and I was wondering if you'd lend me the 200 and ill pay you back on my paycheck next week"

Y-"Y/S/N you still owe me 200 from 2 months ago, I don't know if I can"

S- "yeah ill pay you that too, and just think about it okay sis, but I gotta go byeeeee" she says and hangs up.

I sigh and sit down on the step, and just think, my sister is basically the only family I have, and she only calls me when she needs money, we don't even say we love each other anymore, as you can see when she hung up on me. I hear the door open behind me, I look and see its Kian.

*Kians Pov*

Chelsey got up to go check on Y/N, "Kian I think you should go talk to her, she's just sitting on the step, with her phone in hand" "its probably her sister" I say and go outside. As I open the door, she looks back at me. "Is it your sister?" I ask, and she nods, "she wants money again, but she still owes me the 200 I gave her 2 months ago, and she owes me or actually she owes you before that, I don't want to give It to her, but I feel like I have too, bc I'm all she has, besides my aunt" she explains, as I sit beside her.

"Baby you don't have to do anything, I know you have a heart of gold, and you want everyone around you to be happy, and thoses 2 things are what I love the most about you, but sometimes you have to say no, and go on with your life" I say, "i know, you're right, but its so hard sometimes Kian, I just want to do whats right, she's just how my mother was, always blows through money, and Kian she doesn't even tell me she loves me when she calls me, I feel like all I am to her is just a bank" she says to me. "baby I know she basically is your only family besides your aunt, and your dad, but sometimes you have to do wants better for you, I just want you happy, and whatever you choose to do, ill support you every step of the way, okay?" She nods, "lets go back inside and we'll talk about this tonight", she nods again and stands up, I also stand up, I was about to open the door but Y/N grabs my arm.

I look at her weird, and she wraps her arms around my torso, and tucks her head into my chest. I smile, and wrap my own arms around her. "I love you" she whispers, "I love you too" I say back. We let go and I open the door for us to go inside.

*Later That Night (Y/Ns Pov)*

Theres so many cons for not giving my sister money, but the thought that she's still family runs through my mind. I sigh, as Kian jumps on my bed. No we don't live together, but we do live in the same apartment building. I was quiet for a minute, when Kian asked, "whats going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I chuckle, "theres so many cons for not giving my sister the money, but the thought that she's still family runs through my mind" I tell him, "i just don't know what to do". "I really wish I could make the decision for you princess, cause I know this is hard on you, but I can't".

"I think I'm going to give her the money, but tell her to never speak to me again if it involves money cause I'm done giving it to her", I say making up my mind, "it'll make me feel good about it, and I also stood up for myself" I say to Kian, "i think thats a good choice", "im gonna call her" I say and pick up my phone, and hit the call button.

She answers on the 5th ring,

S- "Hey sis" she speaks into the phone.

Y- "Hey so I thought about it and ill give you the 200 but-

She cuts me off,

S- "Oh my god really? Thank you sis and I promise ill pay you back"

Y- "You didn't let me finish, but I never want to hear from you again if it involves money, because I'm done giving you money, and you don't have to pay me back, just don't call me again asking for money, thats all I want" I tell her and hang up.

 I look over at Kian, "Baby I'm so proud of you for sticking up for yourself, so you're not taking advantage of anymore" he leans up to kiss my lips. "Yeah me too" I smile slightly, "lets go to sleep okay?" He asks, I nod, and we get under the covers, and Kian pulls me close to him. "I love you" he kiss me, "I love you too, thank you for helping me with this, and supporting me" I thank him, "of course princess".

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