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        I wake up from my little nap, I grab my phone off my coffee table in my living room, to see it was 3pm. Crap. I need to go to the store to get things for my next youtube video. I sat up, and got up to go to the bathroom, I use the bathroom, and put my hair into a messy ponytail. I walk to my room and open one of my dresser drawers, and pull out a pair of denim shorts from Areopostale, I close the drawer, and lay the shorts on my bed. I open my closet doors, and look throw my shirts, I finally pick a shirt, which is Jc's merch. The "I love you" black t-shirt.

         I get out of my pajamas, and put on my outfit. I pull on some black socks, and my white converse. I go to my kitchen, and get myself something to eat real quick, I grab my leftovers, from 2 nights ago, and heat it up in the microwave. It was Olive Garden from when I went to lunch with Franny and Chelsey.

        I start to eat, while grabbing my wallet beside me. I open it and see that I don't have my I.D. or my debit card. I then remember that my boyfriend, Kian has them from yesterday. Yesterday Kian and I went to his mom's house to visit his siblings and his mom for a little and we ate dinner with them. But the reason why he has my I.D. and debit card, is because yesterday morning I grabbed my I.D. and debit card because it was on the counter and not in my wallet, when I left to go film a video with Franny for her channel. It didn't dawn on me to grab my wallet.

I know I'm stupid. After I left Franny's, I didn't have time to go to my apartment, and grab my wallet, because I had to meet up with Kian in his apartment garage, and we headed straight to his moms, cause he was already in his suv. And I put my debit card and my I.D. In his wallet so I don't lose them. It's happened before. Lol.

          But anyways, I grab my phone, keys, and my wallet after I'm done eating, and go down to my blue Jeep Wrangler. Yes I drove without my I.D., people do it all the time, to be honest. I drove to where Kian was, he was filming a video in the field beside target.

            I soon get to target, and look for them in the field in my car. I see them all the way on the other side of the field. I get out , and start walking towards them. Bobby sees me first, and smils, I smile back, Kian was facing away from me, so I come up behind him, and poke his sides. He jumps and quickly tuns around, "Baby what are you doing here?" He asks, "are you not happy to see me?" I tease him, "no I am but you didn't-" "Im just kidding, but you still have my I.D. and my debit card" I say, "is it in your wallet?'' I ask again, "I think so" he says, and Bobby and Jc are laughing, "you think?" I question, and walk towards there stuff on the ground, I pick up his wallet, and release the breath I didn't realize I was holding in when I see my cards.

         I grab them, and put his wallet back on the ground. "Where are you going?" Kian asks me, "Hobby Lobby, for a DIY video I'm doing for my channel", Kian grabs my wrist, and pulls me towards him, and kisses me. "Okay, I'll FaceTime you later" I nod "okay, I love you" "I love you too" he kisses me again, and I walk away from him.

          I start to jog towards my jeep, and after I get in my jeep, I get a snapchat from Kian. I open it, and see a video of me jogging a minute ago. He zooms in on me, and he was talking, he was saying "THATS MY BABYYYY!!!" He was screaming. I chuckle and head to Hobby Lobby.


I hope you guys like this!! It's a cute simple imagine, but honestly i think it sounds stupid, but ENJOY!!!!!💕🤩

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