Chapter 2

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The forest was peaceful, not even birds were chirping, the only sound i could hear was my heartbeat. The heat was exhausting, we had been walking for only a few miles and I was covered in sweat. I don't know what's worse, the fact that we've been walking for miles or that we can't talk. We have to be silent..or else our prey could hear us.

Alyssa was leading us, she was alert and always scanning our surroundings. Every step has to be careful, every move precise. Kira was right behind her, if they were exhausted they didn't show it. Even though I've walked in the forest before, it feels like I'm going in circles. No it's as if I'm in a maze, every tree looks the same, everything looks the same.

My mind was wandering, I couldn't stop thinking about Axel. We left him with..Cassidy. No doubt he would get annoyed of her soon. Axel insisted that he should come with us, he was good at tracking animals, but Kira refused. Kira hasn't let Axel do anything without her approval..Axel isn't even allowed to share a room with me. Anytime I try to bring up Axel to Kira she brushes off the thought and changes the subject. She's avoiding if he doesn't exist.

Alyssa paused and began loading her bow. My foot got stuck in some rocks and I tripped. I collided with the dirt. Alyssa didn't give me a second glance until I got up and just my luck the twigs snapped. "I'm okay." I mumbled as brushed the dirt of off me. Kira turned to me in horror, the deer heard me as well and began to sprint away. "Sierra, you scared it away." Alyssa groaned. We needed food, thanks to me we have five mouths to feed. Don't worry I'll kill it, before Alyssa could respond I grabbed her bow and arrow and ran. I heard Kira shout my name, but it didn't matter I could get the deer.

I moved my legs as fast as they could take me, as the deer galloped away. The space was shrinking between us, each step has a purpose, propelling me closer to the animal. I was finally a few feet away, until the deer stopped. No, it felt like time was frozen, I could hear bunnies run into there burrows, any living thing was disappearing into the forest. Towards safety..I need to leave. The animals were hiding but from what?

Then I heard the echoes of footsteps, I quickly scrambled to the nearest bush. I looked around me and saw a cabin. No, not any building, a shiver tore through my spine as I saw the building where Cassidy was kidnapped. The building where my brother learned to kill. The building filled with ruthless men armed to the teeth. I was so focused on the deer that I wasn't keeping track of where I was going. 

The footsteps began to get louder. They must have traveled a long distance because people with messy hair, covered in dirt, and had torn clothes came into view. But why would they come to the hunters? Did Niel need more people to train? More murders in the making. There were no weapons in sight and they didn't look threatening but they seem desperate. The most desperate people can do horrible things. I had to warn the pack, so I grabbed Alyssa's weapon and sprinted back to safety.

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