The dream

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We were heading to a village to slay the monsters, little did we know it was too late because we were becoming them.  At first I had no intention to hurt anyone. But I did what I had to, so I could find her. My sister has been missing for weeks, vanishes and the only clues I had was her bag.

But now I am traveling  with hunters, hunters who promised me and my friend Niel that they knew what took her. "They call themselves the Leidolf. They were the first of the narcos to sin." The old man proclaimed.  What was he talking about? I stared at him in confusion. The man looked at me in pity.."So your village never heard the stories of the dark years." He muttered.

"There was a time, when all  humanity was gone, because it was the end of our world. Famine and disease were spreading. If someone wasn't dead from sickness then they would have died from starvation. Crops wouldn't grow, water was becoming scarce, and  people began to fight over everything. Everyone wanted to live and no one cared how they would get there. Until the gods brought us our salvation." This couldn't be true? If any of this had happened why wouldn't my village talk about it?

But my curiosity was peaked so I urged him to continue. "A species each born with a gifts. Ones that could control heal the sick, control elements such as water, air, fire. The called themselves the Narcos and the humans worshipped them. Until two twins named Ravenna and Zagan didn't want to help us. They believed the Narcos were sent to destroy us and that we should have died during the dark years." He whispered, as if the forest was listening.

"They were shapeshifters and they loved to turn into wolves. They killed many humans and were banished by the Narcos into the woods. And the hunters were established to protect humans from the werewolves." His voice went cold as we approached the village. "And you think the twins took my sister?" I muttered. Niels face was pale, as we saw kids

The village looked normal..why were we here? The hunters ended up spreading around the forest. But before I could speak, the old man continued. "Those.." his hand was shaking as he pointed at the people in the village. "Those are Ravenna descendants and they have your sister." The mans voice turned cold as he gave off the signal to the other hunters. "We must kill them before those monsters murder your sister." Then chaos broke out and arrows were fired. The ground shook, just like an earthquake, only worse. The first scream came and more followed. Hunters stormed the village.

I am the reason this is happening. But if  Sierra is here, then she has to be in one of the houses. And if she's in one of these houses then i won't stop searching until I find her. I jumped out of the bushes and sprinted towards the first cottage. Ignoring the screams telling me to turn back. I tore the door open and whispered my sisters name but before I could step in someone tackled me to the ground.

We tumbled back into the bushes. "Axel! You idiot, you can't run into this danger." Niel muttered in frustration. "We have no idea what we're up against. Besides the hunters leader, said that an alpha will come and we will capture it and then the alpha will tell us where your sister is." Niel stared at the village in horror and he began shaking. "What's wrong?" I turned to the forest and two blue eyes were staring straight at me. "It's the alpha" Niel stuttered.

The wolf was hiding in the bushes heading straight towards the hunters leader. "We have to stop it and capture it." I grabbed my sword but Niel held me back. The creature heard us.

It locked eyes with me and it felt like my heart stopped beating. It snarled in warning, showing me its fangs and in a blink of an eye it jumped on the hunters leader. I heard him screaming as the animal attacked him. His screams were cut short as the animals claw dug deep into their chest and in a flash it was gone. "No animal should be able to move that fast." Niel whispered as I ran to the leader. The old mans face paled and his blood soaked his shirt. His voice was shaking as he said "Ravannas descendants, kill the children of the moon and find your sister."

The memory was fading and I began hearing Sierras voice.

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