Chapter 7-Alyssa

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My head bumbled as Cassidy wrapped bandages around it. "You should know better than to interfere with Kira.. especially when she's sparring." I shook my head in frustration which made it hurt even more. I've been hurt worse in training, I have a lifetime of bruises and scars. A blow to the head I'd survive. I always survive. I had to interfere, Kira shouldn't have more blood on her hands. Besides vengeance isn't justice. "Well what was I supposed to do? Let her kill him?!" Killing him wouldn't stop her pain. It would just be a reminder of how damaged she is. Besides, I've killed enough to remember there faces and there's no turning back from that. I can't watch her do the same.

Cassidy shrugged, not wanting to offend me anymore. I quickly mumbled an apology and jumped off the bed, stumbling on my feet. Cassidy grabbed my hands to steady me. "You have to be careful, Kira really did some damage to your head.." "Yeah.. I never thought she'd.. loose control of herself like that.." I said what we all want to believe. That her loosing control would only happen once, that she would go back to the fearless leader she was. But not all scars heal quickly. She's falling apart and it's my job to always help her pull herself together. So I don't regret stepping in as long as Kira still has a piece of her soul left.

We stayed silent for a bit and then I frowned. "How does Sierra feel..? I hope she's not taking it too hard.." Although she loves to make a scene. My mind flashed to the anger in her eyes as she yelled at Kira. Sierras brother almost died, I should be more compassionate. But we have all lost someone. When I was watching them spare Axel all aggression, not thinking how to outsmart his opponent. I shivered, knowing I left Axel and Kira in a room alone. I was surprised I didn't hear anything break yet, they both have short tempers. "Maybe I should check up on Sierra, I'm gonna see if she's okay.." I slowly walked towards Sierra's room. Someone has to make sure she isn't getting into trouble. But as I called her name there was no response.

I opened the door and saw her lifeless body laying on the floor. I rushed to her side, checking her pulse. Color drained from my face as I could barely feel her pulse. I put my other hand to her forehead she was ice cold. I know how to end lives not save them. I flinched as she grabbed my hand, her breathing was getting slower. As if the energy was being drained out of her. My heart stopped as Sierra uttered a word. "Niel" I thought of the hunters base and how everyone was out to kill us. Niel, the hunter who attacked Sierra when we were trying to save Cassidy. I knew she saw Niel, but what could he have to do with this? Her next word made everything clear. "Poisoned." My eyes widened at the thought. I had no idea what poison could be used. With her last breath she said. "Me" then she stopped responding completely. I tried to shake her, maybe I could wake her back up.

I called for Kira, she would know what to do. There has to be a healing spell...but Kira's only mastered a few spells. If she doesn't know it, it could take weeks before she could heal Sierra. It isn't just about knowing the words, it's about believing them until there engraved in a witches magic. Soon all she has to do is think about the spell and her magic follows. Kira once explained to me that if a witch tries a spell she hasn't mastered, it drains her, sometimes even killing the witch. But Kira's magic is mostly defensive, she can create forcefields and move objects around the room, but she's never healed someone.

Kira and Axel came running in the room. Axels face was full of concern as he ran to my side. "She is as cold as ice, her heart is barely beating, it was exhausting for her to even talk. But she said Niel poisoned her." I looked to Kira for advice. She was biting her lip. "I can give her some herbs to relive the pain but unless we know what poison it is, there's not much I can do." Kira muttered. I nodded knowing Kira couldn't do much. But Axel was the hunters leader he had to know which poison this is.
"So what were just going to let her get worse" His voice was full of rage. Which lead me to assume he doesn't know anything. If he doesn't know what poison it is. Axel knows all the hunters, someone has to know what poison Niel used. Kira mumbled "I never said that." I could tell she was trying to stay calm but I knew it wouldn't be long before they ended up arguing again.

But instead of trying to think of a solution, Axel was looking for someone to blame. "You would like that wouldn't you! If Sierra was gone I would have no reason to be here. Then you can be in control again without anyone defying you!" Axels hands clenched into fists as if he was holding on to all the self control he had left. Kira's jaw dropped in surprise. In that moment, she was no longer holding back.

"You think that I would let my own pack member die, to get rid of you? How self centered are you? Sierra was chosen by the originals for a reason, she has purpose or she wouldn't be here. And even if she wasn't in my pack, I don't kill innocent people, unlike you." She snarled. "You slammed Alyssa into a tree, she could have gotten a concussion. She's lucky her brain still works. You stabbed me when you claimed you had "self control". How do we know you won't lash out on Cassidy or Alyssa next? You can never be a good leader because you constantly put your pack in danger!" I knew he had hit a nerve. It took all my self control to keep me from slapping him. Instead I took a few deep breaths, one of us needed to stay calm.

Kira's face became pale, she didn't move. Her gaze shifted from Axel to Sierra to Cassidy. Who came running in the room after the arguments began. No one objected, no one said a word, the room was silent. "I'm sorry, that I suck as a leader. Is that what you wanted to hear, Axel. But even if I was perfect, I'm still not a doctor, I don't know what she was poisoned with so I can give her herbs until we go to the Leidolf and ask for help." Kira locked eyes with me and I nodded. And just like that she moved on from Axels comments focusing on the mission. It distracts her from the hurt in his words.

We had to do this ourselves, I went to the room to grab weapons. I grabbed my sword and Kira grabbed a few jars and a dagger. "Hey, psychics are you guys going to tell me what's going on." Axel demanded. "Since you don't know what poison it is, we are going to get herbs to hopefully get her temperature back to normal. If we are lucky we will find some for your anger too." I smiled. Axel looked annoyed, "I'm going with you. There's no way I'm letting you guys go in the woods with hunters around. I have to make sure one of you comes back alive." Kira rolled her eyes, "How chivalrous of you." Cassidy stayed behind, her eyes never leaving Sierra for a second. If anything happens Cassidy will take care of it. I had to hope that nothing would go wrong as we all headed into the never ending woods to save Sierra.

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