Chapter 10

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We left as soon as I could stand. Although I felt as if all my energy was drained I had to remember this information. There were 5 packs. We were number 5. We are going to meet the originals,the ones that started all of this. The people that ruined my life without my opinion. I wondered if anyone else wanted to scream at these "originals". We now headed to the assembly hall where they would decide the fate of Axel. If he would stay in our pack or  be separated from me. I gritted my teeth. I won't loose him again.

We traveled strictly at night to avoid any unwanted attention. The miles were long and miserable. After several nights of silence and exhaustion, we finally arrived at our.....underwhelming destination. The building looked like it hadn't been used in forever. The plants around the entrance were dead. It was a monstrosity of rust and stone which looked like it would collapse any second.

There were two torches near the entrance. Kira walked ahead and opened the door. As we entered into dead silence, heads turned and I saw the other packs 1-4. The leaders of the packs lounged in front of their organized subordinates.

I felt as if everyone was judging me, trying to see if I was valuable or as important as them. I didn't have any powers I was just ordinary. The gaze of their judgement weighed heavily on my shoulders as a burning panic started to build in my stomach. I stifled a shaky breath and willed strength to my trembling limbs. I held my head up high behind Kira. She walked confidently down the hall and didn't care who was watching her. Any fool dumb enough to challenge Kira ought to pray to their gods for a quick death. Mercy is as foreign to Kira as failure.

As we took our seats I heard whispers around the room. Some spoke of our packs achievement in tones of awe while others scoffed scornfully.  Our pack, was known as the pack that broke into a hunters hideout and did the impossible. I decided to tune them out. I looked over at Axel, I can't imagine what he must be feeling. He's surrounded by the people he's despised. The people he's ordered his minions to kill. I didn't miss the growls of those who had lost friends to my brothers henchmen.

But Axel bore it all in silence, his grey eyes never leaving the floor. My throat closed as I realized my brother might have to pay for his crimes with his life. I reached for his hand and gripped it tightly. We both awaited his sentence in anxious silence. I jumped when the oak doors opened suddenly and the masters of our fate had arrived.

The originals were all gorgeous and graceful. A golden-eyed girl led them, her silver dress complemented the delicate flowers in her long wavy brown hair. Behind her entered a man, he had black hair and scars all over his face. I made the mistake of looking him in the eye. His gaze was cold and and he gave me a malicious smile. I shivered and looked away. The rest of the werewolves followed them. They just stood there, analyzing the crowd. A small blonde girl entered and handed golden eyes folders.No, files. There were four of them, each with the number five stamped on the front. They were our packs files? How much did they know about each of us?

The leader of the originals finally spoke. "We are gathered today to decide the fate of Axel." I squeezed his hand tighter. "Axel, step forward." Axel got up and walked to the center of the room. All eyes were on him. The man covered in scars stalked towards Axel. They were face to face, "I've heard about you, hunter." My heart skipped a beat. Any hope I had of this going well had died immediately.

The man looked angrily at Axel, "You've murdered hundreds of our people. You called for the burning of our homes, the slaughter of our children." I winced as a mothers sobs echoed through the chamber. The mans own face torn with grief. "You murdered my poor little boy. You stole the lives and happiness of our friends, our families. But now you ask us.." he waved his hands towards the crowd. "To forgive you and put you in a pack because you got bit?" He shook his head. "You want a trail, you don't deserve one. You deserve an execution." The crowd roared in agreement. The pounding in my head matched the frantic beating of my heart. They were going to kill Axel. I was going to lose the only family I had left.

"You weren't even supposed to become a hybrid. You weren't chosen.." they chose who becomes a hybrid and who doesn't and Axel didn't make the cut. Instead of looking at Axel. He turned to Kira. "Who bit him?" The words were like knifes aimed at my heart. What would they do to me? Without hesitation Kira answered. "Sierra, she bit him." Kira knew her place, she would never lie to the originals. People began to look at me. Cassidy grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

As if she was trying to tell me to remain calm, that I will get out of this. If only me and Axel could run away. I stepped forward and walked up next to Axel. "I bit him." The words echoed through the room. The man looked at me as if I was crazy. "You only bite who we want. Do you understand?" I could feel his breath on my neck. This man didn't know me, he didn't know my brother.  He didn't understand why I bit him.

I was angry, angry that the originals had a right to do this. That they could decide my brothers fate without knowing why he was a hunter. Or how he became leader. My mind raced back to when Kira refused to help Axel. When Axel almost died. I remember the blood everywhere and me desperate for him to stay. My lungs burned as I yelled, "What was I supposed to do? Let him die!" The whole room was in shock. No one yelled at a pure blood.

Kira glanced up at me in horror, for the first time she looked scared. The man walked up to me, he grabbed my chin forcing me to make eye contact with him. "You need to learn how to obey." He said one word, "stay". Then punched Axel in the face. Axel fell to the ground with blood over his hands. His nose was bleeding. "Hey, get off of my brother!" I pushed the man and he quickly got back up and he was ready to hurt me. He turned to me. I closed my eyes and tried to cover my face with my hands. But there was no blow, nothing came. Not even a pinch. I opened my eyes and saw the man frozen in front of me.

Kira's eyes were glowing, she cast a spell on the man. "Don't touch her. No one hurts my pack." Kira said, even though she was defending me I could tell I was going to be in a lot of trouble. Then golden eyes who seemed to have no emotion through out this event spoke. "You, release him." She pointed at Kira. Kira walked back to her spot as the man began to move. He walked towards the others. And I walked towards Axel and helped him up. "Pack 5" she began to giggle. "Aren't you in interesting bunch."

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