Chapter 16

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Xander's P.O.V.

I'm on my way to Emilia's house. I wanted to check on her after what happened it just makes me worry that the douche will come back.

I reach her house and get out of my car. I walk up to the door and knock on it. I wait a moment and no response. I knock again and the door instantly opens a little. I see her peek through and she sighs.

"Sorry, Emilia, I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to-" I stop and feel sadness and anger rise in me. I look at her arms and they are covered in scars.

She starts taking steps back. I frown. What's wrong?

"Emilia?" I say in confusion and she instantly stops in her track. She looks wide-eyed at me and looks scared of me. What did I do?

"Please. Don't. Hurt. Me." She whimpers and it causes my chest to clench. I would ever hurt her.

"Emilia, I'm not gonna hurt you," I say stepping towards her and gently grabbing her wrist. I feel the bumps of the scars on her wrists and it makes look at it with sadness. The scars go up half way on her forearm. She instantly puts her other hand to cover her face. I just stare at her in disbelief and after a moment she looks up at me with confusion. She looks at her arm finally seeing what I'm upset about.

She stares at her arm for a moment.

"What happened to you?" I whisper my voice wavering slightly. She yanks her arm away, wrapping them around her stomach.

"I-Is there something you need?" She asks trying to change the topic of conversation.

"Don't change the subject, Emilia. Please tell me what's wrong?" I plead with every fiber of my being. I take a step forward and she takes one back.

"N-Nothing is w-wrong," she says trying to lie but I see right through her. 

"Emilia, Please. I know you're lying," I say to her,

"I-I'm sorry Xander," was all she says looking down. I feel slight anger.

I just want to help her but if she doesn't want my help then fine by me.

"Fine," is all I say anger lacing my voice. I head out the door and go to my car. I look back at her to see if she would change her mind but she doesn't say anything, just looks at me. I sigh and just leave. 

Why won't she let me help her! That's all I want to do!

'You have to give her time,' I say to myself. I just don't want the same thing to happen to her that happened to someone I cared about.

I drive around cooling myself off and thinking of some plan or something for her to trust me. I can't think of anything for her not to trust me. But I understand. I'll just have to be patient. I'm gonna apologize to her though, I shouldn't have been angry with her.

I head back towards her house and see a truck pull out of the driveway with only two people in it. It doesn't look like Emilia. I slow down and park down the road a little so they don't notice me. They leave and I hop out of the car and run to her house. 

I knock on the door and hear nothing. I wait a moment.

I knock again and wait. Still nothing. I'm worried.

I knock a finally time and get impatient. I go over to the window to see inside. I look around the room for anything or anyone. I freeze. I look closer, squinting slightly and see...blood. I go back to the door and try to open it. It's locked. Dammit! 

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