Chapter 29

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Xander finished his food before me but told me not to rush because he just eats fast.

I only eat about half of my burger and fries before feeling full.

"I'm full," I say pushing my plate forward a little.

"You ate more than I thought," he mumbles, trying not to laugh.

I give him a playful glare then a laugh escapes my lips.

"Well, I might be small but I can still eat," I say crossing my arms with a raised eyebrow.

"Mmhmm. Let's go," he says standing up. He places a tip on the table and we walk out of the diner.

"Thank you for tonight its been nice," I say as we get into the car.

"You're welcome, but do you think that's all I have planned?" He says a smirk playing on his lips.

"Where are we going?" I question.

"It's a surprise," is all he says. I reluctantly nodded my head slowly looking to the front.

The drive seemed longer not knowing where we are going. I'm so lost in my thoughts I didn't even know we arrived.

"We're here," he says. I look at the building and see it as an arcade. I almost squeal with excitement. I've never been to one before.

"Hope this is alright,"

"Way better than alright!" I say with a wide smile on my face.

We step out of the car and head to the entrance.

We enter the building and the atmosphere feels different. It's dark but has blue lights making the neon color brighten the room.

I follow Xander and we step up to this atm looking thing.

"Okay, I already have a card for this place so we can put some money on it," he swipes the card and pushes some buttons then grabs the card.

"Alright, let's get started. Anything catching your eye?" He asks looking down at me. I look around don't really know.

"I-I don't really know," I say honestly. He nods his head.

"Follow me," he says. I walk alongside him. He stops and points to the game.

"Can't go wrong with skee-ball," he says.

"Wanna try?" He asks.

"Yeah, sure," I say. I watch as he swipes the card for two lanes.

"Just swing back and roll it down to land it in one of the holes," he says. He rolls the ball getting it in the number 40.

Can't be hard right? I grab a ball and roll it making it go up the thing and it missed landing in 10.

"Hey, your new at this so its okay," he shrugs while chuckling.

I grab it again and get 10. I frown with discontent. I suck.

I look over and see Xander get anything but 10.

"I suck,"

"It's your first time, it's alright. I play a lot with Tony and Adam, and also Izzy," he says with a shrug. I sigh before going again. Only getting tens!

We finished the game and of course he beat me.

"That was fun, even though I'm terrible at it," I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, you're right," he says nonchalantly. I look over at him with a playful glare.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He laughs.

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