Chapter 6 ✔

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--Xander's P.O.V.—

I pull into the parking lot of the drugs store, cutting the engine before stepping out of my car. I step in and start walking towards the back to the pharmacy part of the store. I walk up to the counter giving the women a half smile.

"Hi, how may I help you?"

"Hi. I need to pick up a prescription for Isabelle Jones," I reply. She starts typing on the computer before turning around grabbing a bag, opening it to take out the package.

"You have one prescription, for an ear infection," She says as she hands me the bag. "Make sure to have her take it twice a day until the bottle is completely empty. She might start feeling better before the infections I completely gone but it might not fully be gone yet," She tells me.

"Okay, thank you. Have a good night," I say starting to turn and walk away.

"Thanks, you too sir," She says politely. I continue walking, ready to go home until I notice someone familiar that catches my eye. I walk closer noticing it's Emilia. I quietly approach her, slowly standing behind her.

"Hey Emilia," I whisper lowly in her ear, my breath fanning her skin. She shivers and I feel a smirk grow on my lips. She slowly turns around and I look at how terrified she is. I didn't mean to scare her that much and feel regret instantly flood my mind, "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you that much. You look like you're gonna pass out," I say with a laugh trying to lighten the mood but still feel concerned for her. I notice she stays quiet as she stares at my face with a now blank look. I feel my smirk grow, she is checking me out? She quickly pulls from her stare, letting out an uncomfortable laugh, as she readjusts the items in her arms. I look at them noticing gauze, antiseptic and some medicine. What does she need all that for?

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just get startled easily," She says as she glances at the bag in my hand before looking at it curiously, "What's the medicine for?" She blurts out. She quickly put her hand to her mouth as her eyes widen.

"I...I-" She starts.

"I could ask you the same thing," I interrupt. She stares at me nervously for a moment.

" brother cut his...finger when making dinner," she says with a forced-looking smile. She seems like she is lying based on her nervousness and the moments she had paused as if trying hard to think about it.

"Okayyyy," I drawl out, sounding very unconvinced by her statement.

She stands there for a moment looking around the room, "I better get going. Got to get this medicine and stuff to my brother," She says, pointing behind her, as she starts taking steps back before turning and walking away.

"Bye, Emilia. See you tomorrow..." I trail off as I watch her leave. I walk down some ails, grabbing a couple more things before heading toward the front register to pay for the items. I set them down, pulling out my wallet as she scans the items. I give him the money. He then hands me my change and I stuff it in my wallet and grab the bag. I head out the door and feel the crisp cold wind blow past me making me shiver slightly. I get into my car and start it, cranking up the heat to start warming up the car. I pull out of the parking lot and head down the road towards my house.

As I'm driving I notice a figure down the road, walking along the sidewalk. After a moment from the little light from the light poles, I notice it's Emilia, walking alone in the cold. I slow down near her and was about to get her attention. She glances back, noticing my car and then she picks up speed. I take into account the cold and notice how it looks like she is in pain. Is she limping? What happened to her? I pull my car up next to her. She turns in my direction with a scared expression and I quickly roll down the window, watching visibly sigh in relief.

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