Chapter 23

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I enter the house feeling slightly guilty about Xander. What if he hates me now? I sigh starting to head towards my room.

"Hey Emilia. How was you're day?" Car- I mean my grandma asks.

"It was good, great to be back," I say hiding my discomfort.

"That's good," she says with a smile on her face. If she only knew.

"I'm gonna go do my homework and study. I got tests tomorrow," I say chuckling pointing behind me.

"Okay dear. I'll call you for dinner when it's ready," She says before turning back to the TV screen.

"Okay, thank you," I say heading to my room

I set my stuff down on my desk and get everything out to study. 

After a while, I start getting tired and rest my head on my desk. 10 minutes, that's all.

I open my eyes to see I'm still in my room. It's dark outside. I look over and see a dark figure in the corner. I go to scream but my mouth gets covered.

"Oh, Emilia. What do you think you're doing?" Anothony's taunting voice echoes in the room. I try to speak but no words come out.

"You will never be free," He says evilly with laughing.

I wake up abruptly looking around my room. It was just a dream. I sigh in relief. I look to see it's 9:15. Just 10 minutes? Right.....I look at my desk and see a sticky note on it.

You looked so peaceful sleeping, so I wrapped a plate and put it in the fridge for you. Love you, honey. -Grandma

I look at the note with a smile on my face. She cared enough to do that for me? Guilt washed over me at the thought of her making this food for me and I just slept through it.

I sighed getting up and heading out the door. It's dark and quiet. She must have gone to bed. 

I enter the kitchen and go to the fridge grabbing the only wrapped plate. I take the foil off. There is some spiced chicken, potatoes, and green beans. I pop it in the microwave and wait for it to heat up.

While it's cooking I grab a cup and get a glass of water. I stop the microwave before it beeps so I don't wake her up.

I sit at the table digging into my food. It's kinda weird having someone spend their time to cook for me after years of doing it myself. It still is delicious. 

After I have finished I clean and put my dish away. I head to my room and sit on my bed. 

I grab my sketchbook from my nightstand and start drawing my favorite flower. A rose. 

I sketch out the petals, then draw the stem. My hand effortless drawing on the page. Now I start shading and adding details to the rose giving it finishing touches. I'm so lost I get startled at a light knock on my window.

The knock on my window caused me to jump, dropping my pencil. I look at the source of the sound and see Xander standing in the window. He waves at me and I wave back walking up to the window. I open it giving him a confused look.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"Can I come in?" He asks, ignoring my question. Really?

"U-Uh, Y-yeah," I say opening the window more. I step out of the way making room for him. He looks around my room before setting his gaze on me. I shuffle on my feet.

"Wanna sit?" I ask pointing to the bed.

"Sure," He says walking to the other side of the bed.

"What were you drawing?" he asks me. I grab my sketchbook.

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