Chapter 27

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Please read A/N at the end (Don't freak out it's not bad)

--Xander's P.O.V.--

What kinda of bullshit was that?! How could they just let him go?! I can't get the image of him on her as she screamed out of my head. It's repulsive. I know what I said to her was crossing the line. It's not my business to tell. She didn't even have to tell me but she did. She trusted me and I just threw it out the window with my idiotic statement?

I screwed up.

I look out the window to see her laying on the bed laying the opposite way curled in a ball. I got angry instead of being there for her. I never asked how she was doing through this. I'm stupid.

I sigh before heading to my window. I have to apologize to her. I step out of my window and head over to hers.

I get to her window taping lightly. She jumps up with a panicked expression and sees me having her face turn into a frown. She heads to the window opening it.

"What do you want?" she spits out.

"I...I wanted to apologize Emilia. You trusted me enough to tell me about your father and brother and I practically stomped all over it," I say slightly nervous. 

She stays quiet for a moment before opening the window more letting me in. I step in and quickly wrap her in a hug. She doesn't push away but relaxes in my embrace.

"I'm so sorry Emilia. I never even asked how you were doing through all of this and was so insensitive through this, I'm such a jerk," I say squeezing tighter as if she will disappear right from under me.

"X-Xander...can't breath," she struggles out.

"Oh shit, sorry," I say quickly letting go. She laughs a little before causing me to chuckle lightly.

"I...accept your apology. And you're not a jerk. You've been here for me and I can't begin to thank you for that. You've helped me and I really appreciate it," She says small tears forming in her eyes. She pulls me into another hug and I wrap my arms around her waist in a comforting manner.

"How are you doing Emilia?" I ask. She slightly tense and pulls away.

"I really don't know actually. He was let out but he can't know where I am right? I'm worried they will come back for me, but I just don't know," She says putting her head down.

"Well you know I'll kick his ass if they come near you again," I say. She looks up with a small smile on her face.

"Would you go on a date with me?" I blurt out without thinking. My eyes widen in shock.

"I-I mean if you want, if you can't it's no big deal. I mean it is short notice so you really don-"

"Xander!" She half-yells interrupting me from my babbling.


"Yes, I will," She says stopping me from further embarrassment. I feel a slight blush on my face.

"Okay, Is 7 alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, whenever," She says with a small chuckle.

"Okay see you tomorrow," I lean in giving her a kiss on her forehead. I see a blush form on her face causing me to smile.

"Bye Xander," she says.

"Bye Emilia," I say before going back to my house.

I enter my room and head out to the living room to see my mom.

"Hey mom," I say sitting on the couch next to her. She raises an eyebrow giving me a curious glance.

"Whats go you all giddy? Everything go alright with Emilia I assume?" She asks.

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