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I had been lying awake for hours. Taehyung didn't put me in the same bed as him, thank God, but my mind kept me up all night. I wanted to run. To just get out of there. But I had no where to go and no idea where I was. I didn't like it here. I still don't.

The room Taehyung had placed me in was small, but the bed was huge. It was definitely big enough for two people. Gee, I wonder why that is.

There was a clock places next to the bed. It read 1:48 a.m. I groan to myself, feeling tired but unable to sleep. I just didn't trust this place. Suddenly, I hear a door outside of my room open. What is he doing up so early?

The door to my room begins to open. Immediately, I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep. I didn't want him getting angry that I was up so late. He actually scared me a bit. Taehyung's footsteps sound throughout my room on the wooden tiles that covered my floor.

His footsteps trail to the bed, standing behind me. Suddenly, the bed crunches down. He was getting in the bed with me. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

The covers are pulled down, then back up. There was no doubt he was in the bed with me. I couldn't move. I was terrified. His body gets closer to mine, and he slides his arm around my waist. I can't do this. I have to say something.

"Jungkook, I know you're awake." He says softly. His voice was so raspy. I kind of liked it...

"Turn and face me." He says again. Do I dare? I swallow my fear and turn to him. His hair was ruffled, which made him look amazing. What am I thinking? This guy's insane!

Taehyung brushes a few strands of hair away from my face. "I don't want this, Taehyung. I just want to go-" My sentence is cut short. "What did you call me?" Shit.

"I...I didn't..." I stutter, realizing my mistake. Taehyung's expression showed anger. He was pissed. "What did you call me?" He asks louder. "Tell me. Now."

I sigh to myself. I'm such an idiot. "I...called you Taehyung..." I say as I lower my head. Taehyung laughs, as if this had happened before. "What was rule number four, Jungkook?" He asks, pulling my body closer to his. There were no words to describe how uncomfortable I was.

"I always had to call you 'Master' or 'Sir'..." I say softly. Taehyung's hand slides to my thigh, causing me to move slightly. "Don't move." Taehyung says. I still myself, feeling tears form in my eyes. "What did I say would happen if you didn't call me that?" Taehyung asks me. I take a large gulp before answering. "Th-That I would be p-punished..."

"Now if you knew that, why wouldn't you follow the rule?" He asks, gripping my thigh tighter. Oh God...what's happening? "Answer me." Taehyung says sternly. The tears begin to flow down my cheeks as my body shakes. "I don't...I don't know..." Taehyung simply chuckles at my response. He shakes his head and gets up out of the bed.

Taehyung walks over to his room, only to come back with what appeared to be rope. "What-What are you going to do with that?" I ask nervously. "Well, you disobeyed." Taehyung says as he pulls my wrists to the bedpost and begins tying them. "Therefore, you get punished."

Taehyung finishes off my wrists and steps back. "What's going to-to happen?" I ask as more tears fall from my cheeks. Taehyung simply chuckles at me. "Oh, you'll see, baby boy."

Baby boy? "Pick a number from 1 to 5." Taehyung says. "What?" I ask. "Do you want more punishments?" I gulp once more, feeling a heat rush to my head. "No, Sir..."

"Then pick a number." I think for a moment on what this could be about. Nothing comes to mind. "2?" I say softly. Taehyung smiles. "Oh, lucky you. That's my favorite."

Taehyung walks to the foot of the bed and climbs on top of me. I bend my legs and try to push him off, but it's no use. "Don't struggle, baby. It won't help you." What is it with this guy and calling me 'baby'?

As Taehyung's face reaches mine, he stops and stares at me. "I'm so glad I bought you." He says. Taehyung stares at me for a moment longer before he kisses me. What. The. Fuck.

I didn't struggle. I didn't know why but I didn't struggle. Did I enjoy it? Did it not bother me? I don't know, but I didn't struggle.

The kiss was rough, but nothing less of pure passion. His lips were so soft. They felt great. What the hell am I saying? Why do I keep feeling like this?

Taehyung pulls away from the kiss and stares me feel in the eye. "You didn't struggle." He says, smirking. "I... Was that my punishment?" I ask, slightly confused with myself. Taehyung chuckles at me. "No, it wasn't. Punishments are things that you won't enjoy."

Taehyung rolls off of the bed and reaches under it, pulling out a suitcase. He places it on the bed and opens it, pulling out a whip. My eyes widen at the sight. Oh no...

Fear overcomes my body. I kick my feet, trying to get out of this rope. Suddenly, a loud whack sounds, followed by a sharp pain on the outer part of my thigh. A small yelp escapes me, causing Taehyung to chuckle. "Cute." He says. Taehyung leans down to my ear and whispers to me. "This is your punishment."

Soooo y'all think they got WiFi down in hell? Lmao bye😂 ~Emily

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