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"W-What?" Yoongi asks as he hears my request. "You asked if I wanted anything, and I want you to hold me until I'm asleep." Yoongi looks as though he's going to pass out. His face went pale and his stunned silence filled the room. "Okay...sure."

Yoongi gently lies himself down so that his chest is facing me. "Should I put my arms around you?" He asks. I nod, nuzzling myself into his chest. His arms embrace me and I can feel a slight amount of happiness rush through me. I wonder if Yoongi's ever done this before...

"Yoongi?" I ask softly. "Hm?" He hums lowly. "Have you ever had someone special in your life?" I can feel Yoongi's body freeze. His breathing was almost stopped. Silence had filled the room. I shouldn't have brought that up.

After a few minutes, Yoongi finally speaks. "There was...one person. But he's in the past now. We're just, um, we don't talk." I cuddle myself closer to Yoongi. "Tell me what it was like." I say. I feel Yoongi sigh as his breath makes my hair blow around softly. "Well, he was a very nice boy. My friend, Hoseok, was throwing a party for his graduation a few years ago. That's where we met."

"We talked for a while and eventually went on a date. I really liked him at the time, and he liked me too. So, we started dating." I feel my eyes starting to droop as Yoongi continues his story.

"Our relationship lasted two years. We had the best times together. We were both each others' first kiss, and there was never a dull moment with us. But, one day, I..." Yoongi's voice trails off. I can hear him take a deep breath as he rubs my back softly. "I did something very wrong..."

"I was over at Hoseok's, helping him get over a break up, and...it led to some things. The amazing, sweet, and charming man I had been with left me immediately. We haven't talked since..." Soft sniffles escape Yoongi as his story ends. I can't help but feel sympathy for him. He's been through a lot...

"Would you mind if I asked his name?" I say, shifting myself so that I'm facing Yoongi. His cheeks were glistening softly with tears. "His name? How come?" He asks, trying not to stutter. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm just curious." Yoongi contemplates himself for a moment. "His name was Jimin."

I nod, lying my head back onto Yoongi's chest. "You know, you've given a lot to me, Yoongi. You saved me from that horrible auction, you've given me shelter, food, entertainment, all that good stuff." I say, closing my eyes. "Well, it's my responsibility. I did buy you after all." He says. "I want to pay you back."

Yoongi chuckles softly. "Yeah? How are you gonna do that?" He asks. I think for a moment, unsure of what I could do. "I...I could be your Jimin...until Taehyung gets the money."

Yoongi's body freezes once again. "You...can be my what?" He asks, his voice quavering. "Your Jimin. I can do everything you guys did together. If you'd like something like that." I respond. "Everything?" Yoongi asks. "Well, maybe not everything..."

"How far are you willing to go?" He asks. "How far do you want to go?" Yoongi remains silent for a moment. "Kissing?" He says questionably. "I...not on the lips." I say. "That's all I need." Yoongi says, pulling me close.

As I feel myself drift off into sleep, I feel Yoongi place a soft kiss on the top of my head. "Goodnight, Jimin." He says softly.


As I open my eyes, I'm met with faint sunlight and a sleeping Yoongi. He was facing me, his arm laid over my stomach. I let out a yawn, and feel my throat burn a bit. Great. I shouldn't have stayed out in that rain.

Yoongi's arm pulls me in closer to his chest. He places his chin on my shoulder. "Are you awake?" He asks. His voice had a slight rasp to it. It was deep and low, kind of like Taehyung's. I nod my head, not wanting to speak. "Did I wake you?" He asks. I shake my head. Yoongi's eyes open and he sits up, kicking his legs over the side of the bed.

Suddenly, I begin coughing uncontrollably. "You've got a cold, don't you? You shouldn't have been in the rain." Yoongi says, standing up and walking to the room door. "I'll get you some hot tea for that." He says, leaving the room.

After a few minutes, Yoongi had brought some hot tea upstairs for me. "Be careful, it's really hot." He says. I nod as he sets the tea down next to me and seats himself on the edge of the bed, stroking my hair. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

I think for a moment, unsure of what I really wanted. "What do you wanna do?" I ask Yoongi softly, being cautious of my throat. "Me? Nothing, really. I just watch TV all day." He says, still stroking my hair. "That's better than nothing." I say with a light chuckle, however, that soon turned into coughing.

Yoongi sighs, reaching over next to me and taking the cup on the bedside. "Here, drink some tea. It should be cooled off by now." He says. I nod, taking a sip of the warm drink. That's so soothing.

"Yoongi?" I say, placing the cup back down. "Yes?" He responds. "How come you treat me so well? I was really mean to you in the car, and I wouldn't talk to you for all that time." Yoongi softly smiles and cups my cheek. "Well, you're my responsibility, right? I gotta take care of my valuables." He says. I dart my glance over to him. "Valuables?" I ask, slightly confused. "You think I'm valuable?"

Yoongi chuckles once more. "Well of course I do. You're a sweet kid, really. Remember what you said last night? No one would have ever done that for me." I blush slightly, looking away from Yoongi. "You're like a precious gem, Jungkook. You're so rare to find, but when you appear, everyone's eyes are lit up with beauty and sparkle like fireworks on the fourth of July. But the owner of that gem, the miner, has to help you out of the small rock you're stuck in. He needs to use care and be cautious. Otherwise, everything will come crashing down on them both."

Yoongi's words make my heart boil. No one has ever said that kind of stuff to me. "So you see, Jungkook, I treat you well because I don't want this mine to crash down on us." He says, giving a small peck to my forehead. I giggle softly and smile up at him.

"Now, you drink that tea. It'll make you feel 10 times better. When you're finished, bring your cup downstairs and we can watch some TV. Sound good?" I nod as Yoongi walks out of the door, closing it behind him.

Maybe staying with Yoongi isn't so bad...Maybe Taehyung can wait for a little while...

My YoonKook heart couldn't take this chapter, I'm sorry but oOF. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned! ~Emily

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