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My body ached in pain. Taehyung had marked my arms and legs with that stupid whip. He's a fucking sadist.

Taehyung was standing over me. The ropes had been removed from my wrists, so I did the only thing I could think of. I was curled into a ball and sobbing into the sheets of the bed. My body was facing away from Taehyung. I was terrified of him. Terrified.

Taehyung climbed into bed with me, holding me from behind. "Turn towards me, Jungkook." He says. His voice had changed now. It was less threatening. It was softer, sweeter. That didn't change how I felt though. I was still scared of him.

I turn towards Taehyung. "Look at me, baby." He says. I look up at him, tears still flowing down my cheeks. Taehyung puts a hand on the back of my head and pulls me closer to him. "You know, I don't like doing this. Especially to you." He says.

"How about I make it up to you, hm? Would you like that?" I hope he doesn't mean... "How about dinner?" He asks. My body tenses. Almost as if I was paralyzed. Dinner? Was he serious?

"N-No one has ever t-taken me to dinner b-before..." I say, still choking back a few tears. "Then we'll do dinner tomorrow." Taehyung responds. "O-Okay..." I say. Taehyung puts his arms around my waist and pushes my head into his neck. "Get some rest, Jungkook. I'll see you in the morning."


Morning had come quicker than I had hoped. The morning sun was beating into my room through the two windows placed throughout the room. I stretch my arms and legs, but quickly retract them back. They were still stinging in pain. What did he do to me?

I stand up and walk over to the room door. I try turning the knob, but the door was locked from the outside. Great. I plop myself back down on the bed. I was surprised at how calm I was about this. I was just sold in an auction. What made me so calm? Did I not comprehend what happened to me? Did I think that I could get away somehow? Was it...the kiss?

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. "Are you awake, baby boy?" Ugh. "Yes, Sir." I mumble, just loud enough for Taehyung to hear. A few clicking sounds come from the door before it opens. Taehyung walks in and sits at the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Like shit." I respond.

A loud sigh comes from Taehyung. "Don't curse. It's impolite." He says. I throw my head into a pillow and try to fall back asleep. Suddenly, Taehyung places his hand on my thigh. I wince and groan slightly at the pain. Taehyung laughs. "Poor baby. Do you want me to get you something for that?" He asks. I nod slightly and shift uncomfortably.

Taehyung leaves the room and comes back with a bottle of aloe. "Hold still for me." He says before rubbing a small amount of aloe on my bruises. I gasp slightly at the cool feeling on my bruises. Taehyung takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. "Squeeze my hand when it hurts." He says. I take a deep breath and wait for the pain to return.

As I feel another cold burn on my leg, I clench Taehyung's hand as hard as I can. The pain slowly fades away, but returns a few more times on each leg. Taehyung then moves to my arms, rubbing aloe on each bruise and allowing me to squeeze his hand whenever I felt pain.

Taehyung places aloe on the last of the bruises and rubs it in, allowing the pain to fade. "Hurts, doesn't it, baby?" Taehyung asks. I nod, still wincing slightly at the pain. "Well hopefully you've learned your lesson."

"Come to my room. I have something for you." Taehyung commands. I comply and follow him to his room, not wanting to anger him.

As we reach the bedroom, Taehyung seats me on his bed. His room was...dark. There was black everywhere. Black curtains. Black bedsheets. Black wallpaper. Everything was black.

Taehyung reaches into a small box placed on a dresser near the bed and pulls a bracelet out. He ties it around my wrist, and takes my hand. "There are beads placed on that bracelet. Each time you want something, you can take one off and give it to me. They're refilled every month." He says to me. Want something? What I want is to go home. "Now, shall we plan dinner?"


Taehyung had taken me out to a fancy restaurant near his home. It was actually really nice. It looked like everything was pretty expensive, so I didn't get much.

We spent the night talking. I actually really enjoyed it. It wasn't completely horrible. It actually kind of felt like...a date.

The waitor that had taken our order came back asking if we wanted any desserts. "Actually, I'd like to order two margaritas." Taehyung says. Our waitor nods and leaves us to talk.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Jungkookie?" Ugh, he sounds like my mom. I smile and nod. I really was enjoying myself. This night was kind of fun, even if I was completely terrified of Taehyung. "Good. This is my apology for last night." Taehyung says with a soft grin.

Our waitor returns with the two margaritas and our check. Taehyung thanks him and sips his drink, as do I. It's been sometime since I've had a nice night out like this.

Taehyung was adding to the night. It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him, but then again I was still scared of him. But some part of me wanted to fall for him. He may have bought me in an auction, but there was something about him. Something that made me want to stay with him. Maybe it was his looks, or his voice. Damn, his voice.

"Jungkook? Are you ready?" Taehyung asks. I suddenly snap out of my trance and stand, nodding as Taehyung and I walk out of the restaurant.

As we approach his car he opens the door for me. I smile at him and seat myself on the passenger side. Taehyung seats himself on the driver side and turns the car on. Instead of driving, he turns to me with soft eyes. "Something's on your mind. I could tell in the restaurant."

I chuckle softly at his remark. "It was nothing, you don't need to worry." Taehyung places a hand on my own, earning a slight jump from me. "Tell me." He says, still having the same soft eyes. I get lost in them for a moment, before zoning back in to reality.

"Why did you buy me?"

Ohboyohboyohboy. It's gonna be pretty sPiCy in the next chapter. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! ~Emily

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