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It's been almost three months with Yoongi. I've grown so attached to him. He treats me so well, and always puts me before himself. Being his Jimin has made me happier than ever.

Yoongi and I were lying on the couch, his arms wrapped around me from behind. A random movie was playing, but our concentration was placed on each other. "You're so pretty." Yoongi says, smiling at me. I blush and return the smile. "That's the seventh time you've said that today." I say with a soft chuckle. "Are you trying to get on my sweet side?" I ask, standing up to grab a drink from the kitchen. "Possibly." Yoongi says, trailing behind me. "Oh? And why would that be?" I say, almost teasingly as I fill a small cup with water. "Just to do something." Yoongi says. I stand and turn to face him. "What would that something be?" Yoongi takes a few steps closer to me, putting an arm around my waist. "This." He says, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

I was stunned. I had never been kissed on the lips by Yoongi. I didn't know what to do. I almost panicked, but Yoongi had already pulled away. The two of you stood in silence. Yoongi must have been worried about it, as he began apologizing frantically. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" I cut Yoongi off by placing my lips back onto his. He and I immediately melt into each other. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer by my waist. Our lips moved together like no one's business.

As the kiss grew more intense, I decided to pull away, hoping this wouldn't go too far. "What's wrong?" Yoongi asks. I lower and shake my head. Yoongi nods. "Ah, I understand. It's alright, Kookie." He says sincerely. His hand finds its way to my cheek, cupping it softly. "I'm glad we could share that." He says to me. I look up at him and smile. "I am too."

Suddenly, a knock sounds from the front door. "I'll get it. Go back and relax, Kookie." Yoongi says, walking over to the door. As Yoongi opens the door, I secretly listen in on his conversation. The first word I hear completely stuns me. "Taehyung?"

My head shoots up and I immediately rush over to Yoongi. I push my way past him, being met with the site of Taehyung. My eyes widen as they lock onto his own. "Jungkook..." He says softly. "It's been quite sometime, hasn't it?" He says, moving closer to me. I feel a hand on my shoulder pull me back slightly. I'm pushed into Yoongi's chest, but my eyes never leave Taehyung.

"So, Taehyung. Do you have the money?" Yoongi asks. Taehyung sighs, looking down at the ground. "No." He says. "Then why are you-" Yoongi begins to speak, but is cut off by Taehyung throwing something at him. "I have half of it. You can take that or you can take this." Taehyung steps to the side as he speaks revealing a small man behind him. His hair was blonde and his lips were plump. I lookup at Yoongi, only to see him in pure shock. "Jimin..."

Jimin? What's he doing here? "Hi, Yoongi...its been quite sometime, hasn't it?" Jimin says, rubbing on of his arms and looking down at the ground. "Y-Yes, it has. Please, come in."

Jimin and Taehyung followed Yoongi and I inside. Yoongi sat down at the dining room table, patting his lap and signaling me to sit in it. I comply and seat myself in Yoongi's lap, facing him. Taehyung scoffed at my actions, seeming jealous. "So what's this all about?" Yoongi asks.

"I want Jungkook back. I can give you half the money or Jimin, who's willing to come back if you let Jungkook come with me." Yoongi looks over to Jimin, almost stunned. "It's the right thing to do, Yoongi." Jimin says, nodding to himself. Hearing the conversation, I put my hand up to Yoongi's ear and whisper to him.

"Jungkook says he wants to stay with me." Yoongi says. Taehyung gains a look of sorrow. I whisper to Yoongi again. "He also says he wants to apologize for making you go through all of the trouble to try to get him back."

"Jungkook..." Taehyung says his voice cracking. "I thought we...I thought we had something..." He says. I whisper to Yoongi once more. "He says he's sorry, Taehyung. He just wants to be with me. He's had a lot of time to adjust to me, and he's very fond of me."

"But..." Taehyung begins, but loses his own words. "Jungkookie, go upstairs. I'll handle it from here." Yoongi says, rubbing my back. I remove myself from his lap and begin up the stairs when Taehyung calls out to me. "Jungkook, wait!" He yells. I turn my head over to him as our eyes lock again.

"Remember when I took you out to dinner? Remember how fun that was?" He asks. I nod slowly, not knowing what to say. "Remember when we spilled our drinks on the waitor?" He asks with a light chuckle. I smile and nod again. "Remember when we got into the car and I told you I wanted to be with you because I'd been so lonely? Remember how upset I was?" My smile quickly fades. I nod once more. "Remember our kiss?" Taehyung asks.

I freeze as I hear the word 'kiss'. I remembered how passionate it was. I remembered how happy it made both me and Taehyung feel. Small memories rush through my head of the few days I had been with Taehyung. I bring my wits together and walk back down the stairs. Taehyung and I stare at each other for a moment, almost as if we were clarifying our feelings for one another. "Jungkook?" Yoongi says, but I ignore him as I suddenly run up to Taehyung and wrap my arms around him, never wanting to let go. "I missed you..." I say, feeling a tear or two fall down my cheeks as Taehyung kissed the top of my head. "I missed you too."

It's been like 7 years but heLLO. Thanks for being so patient with this, I've been camping for like half a year oOF. Anyway, I'll be starting work this week, so chapters may be delayed. I'll try to write during breaks though. Stay tuned! ~Emily

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