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Taehyung had been lying on the couch for a few minutes now. After taking care of his bruises, I gave him some water. He chugged it down like it was the first drink he's had in years.

"Do you need anything? Like, some food or another glass of water?" I ask. Taehyung looks at me with tired eyes. "There is...one thing I'd like." He says, slightly shifting his position. I raise my brows, wondering what he wants. "Yes?" I ask.

Taehyung sits up and turns his body so that his legs are hanging off the sofa. "I want to hold you in my arms until I fall asleep."

My eyes widen as I start to smile at Taehyung's words. Rule number one: I will obey every command he gives me.
I sigh softly and lay myself down next to Taehyung, his arms immediately wrapping around me. I face his chest, and I'm almost able to hear his heart beat. His breathing is slow and his breaths blow my hair down slightly as he exhales. I nestle my head into him as he and I fall asleep.


As my eyes open, I take notice to my surroundings. They're different. I wasn't in Taehyung's house anymore. He wasn't here. Where the hell am I?

I was lying down on a small couch. I stand and walk towards the door to the room I was in, trying to turn the knob. Locked? What is going on?Suddenly, everything clicks. The locked door, the small room, the familiar surroundings. I was back at the auctions.

"No...no, no, no..." I mumble to myself. This couldn't be happening. I was just with Taehyung. How would I have gotten here so fast? I find myself stumbling backwards and falling back onto the couch. I hold my head in my hands and try to keep my cool. I take deep breaths, but it doesn't work. I try to clear my kind, but it doesn't work. I blink back the tears, but it doesn't work.

As small tears stream down my face, the door opens. I quickly lift my head to see an unfamiliar face of a man wearing a suit. He was dressed similarly to Namjoon. "Are you Jeon Jungkook?" The man asks. I nod slowly. The man approaches me, grabbing my arm forcefully and dragging me out of the room.

The man drags me down a long hallway. I'm going back to that...stage... "What's your name?" I ask the man in an innocent tone. He kept quiet. "Hello?" I ask again. "Keep your mouth shut, freak." He responds.

I lower my head and begin to cry again. "Oh, quit your crying. Boss was right, you are a baby." I force my tears back and raise my head again. At least I'm not bound this time...

As we approach the stage again, the man throws me down. I don't bother trying to stand. I'm ashamed of it. The custodian announces me like the last time. Tears fall from my cheeks to the floor. Please be here, Taehyung...

The bidding starts once again at$10,000. $20,000. $45,000. $75,000. $250,000. $500,000. That's where it stopped for a moment. Taehyung..?

"Sold for $500,000!" As I hear those words, my breathing gets faster. Heavier. I can't seem to control it. I begin to hyperventilate. Soon, the man from before drags me off stage and tells me to calm down. I couldn't. I tried, but my breathing was too fast. I feel myself fall into an unconscious state and feel my body hit the ground.


I wake up to the feeling of a splitting headache. I groan in frustration, but stop as I notice I'm in the front seat of a moving car. I quickly shoot mushed to the driver's side and see a man with mint-colored hair. He doesn't even give me a glance. It was terribly silent. Only the sound of rain falling and cars passing could be heard.

"Are you...my buyer?" I ask the man. He gives me a soft nod. "Are you taking me to your house..?" I ask again. The man shakes his head this time. "No?" I ask. "Then where are we going?" The man points out of his window to a row of houses atop a small hill. That looks familiar...

"Where is that?" I ask. The man rolls his eyes at me and sighs. "What?" I ask. He remained silent. It calmed me in some way. He hadn't spoken at all. It gave me a safe feeling for some reason. "Can I know your name?" I ask. The man glances at me before returning his attention back to the road. "Yoongi." I raise my brows slightly, hearing the man talk for the first time. Everything goes silent once again.

We drive for what seems like an eternity, until Yoongi pulls in front of...Taehyung's house? I stare out of the window, eager to see Taehyung again. "Did you...bring me back to Taehyung?" Yoongi nods. I smile at him, causing him to slightly smile, barely enough to see. "Wait here." He says, stepping out of the car and approaching Taehyung's house.

I lie back in my seat, unable to keep still. I wave my hands around frantically and find myself unable to stop smiling. I can't help myself, and look out of the car window to see Yoongi already speaking with Taehyung. Taehyung kept looking over at me and smiling at both me and Yoongi.

My heart grew warm. I never would have thought that I'd fall in love with someone who bought me.

Taehyung and Yoongi speak for a bit, but as Yoongi says something, Taehyung's smile quickly fades, causing mine to as well. Taehyung looks confused. Should I go out there..? Yoongi moves his hands about as if he was explaining something. Taehyung shakes his head. He looks over at me, almost crying. His eyes shimmer like they did the night we went to dinner. What happened?

Yoongi places a hand on Taehyung's shoulder and walks off, leaving him and I to stare into each other's eyes. It was like a trance. His eyes were a deep shade of brown. It was like a tunnel, and at the end there was this light. This shimmering light that told whoever looked into it to feel something. To feel love.

My trance is soon broken by the sound of Yoongi heavily sighing and slamming his car door shut. He starts his car and begins to drive away from Taehyung's house. "What-What are you doing?" I ask. Yoongi doesn't speak. "Why can't I go to him?" No response. "Answer me!"

Yoongi suddenly slams on the breaks. He looks over at me, angered. "Listen, kid. You went back there because Taehyung didn't have the right amount of money, right? Well he still doesn't have that. And until I get my $500,000 back, I own you. I'm being the nice guy here and giving you back to him. You should show me a bit of respect." I'm left speechless. Wow, for a guy who doesn't talk much, he can really yell...

"I-I'm sorry..." I say softly. Yoongi doesn't respond. He continues to drive until we reach what I assume is his house. "It's unlocked. Go in and make yourself comfortable. I need to go get some things at the store down the road." I nod, stepping out of the car. Before I can close the door, Yoongi stops me. "Do not, and I mean do not, go into the closed door upstairs. Got it?" I nod once again and Yoongi waves me off.

I didn't go in the house. I just sat there. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be with Taehyung. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to just be around him. He needed me. His bruises couldn't have healed. Wait...didn't the custodian say the next auction would be on Wednesday? Oh, God...how long was I in there..?

HEY THERE IT'S BEeN A WHILe! Well, here's the seventh chapter. I may not have daily updates like I wanted, because ya girL JUST GOT A JOB OOF. Yeah, hopefully it won't interfere with this too much. I'll still update as much as possible! Stay tuned! ~Emily

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