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I find myself awake and alone in bed. I groggily rub my eyes, yawning in the process. "Taehyung?" I call out, wondering if he's in the room. No response. I yawn once again, looking over at the clock. 12:28 a.m.

As I try to drift back into sleep, I hear a deep voice come from downstairs. "Taehyung?" I say quietly to myself. I carefully crawl out of bed, stumbling a bit due to the pain around my ass, throw on my boxers, and open the bedroom door, noticing a figure on the couch with a laptop in hand. It was Taehyung.

"Yoongi, you have Jimin back now. You don't need anything from Jungkook." He says, his eyes focused on the screen that displayed his and Yoongi's Skype call. "But that's the thing, Taehyung. I don't want Jimin anymore. Jungkook has shown me different perspectives on everything imaginable. Everything Jimin and I do together now is just so weird and awkward."

Taehyung sighs. "Well what am I supposed to do? I can't make you love him."

"No, but I bought him. With the correct amount of money."

"Because I asked you to, Min Yoongi."

"Don't get a tone with me, Kim Taehyung. I can take him back if I want him back. I don't need Jimin. I need that money."

"I told you I only have half of it."

What the hell is going on?

"Well you better get that other half soon. If you don't, you're gonna lose him again."

"Yoongi, for fuck's sake. Just give me some time."

"Why should I?"

"Because you don't know what I did to get that money."

"Oh, what? Did you work the street corner?"

Taehyung sits in silence as Yoongi speaks. Yoongi stares at Taehyung through the camera screen in shock. "Wait, did you actually?"

Taehyung let's out a large sigh. "Do you remember that guy, Jin?" Yoongi stares in disbelief. "Taehyu-" "Do you remember him or not?" Taehyung's voice becomes louder. Yoongi nods. "Well, I needed the cash and he said if I worked he'd pay me. For three fucking months I worked for him doing his dirty shit." Who the hell is Jin?

"Taehyung, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. I didn't know." Yoongi states. Taehyung leans back on the couch, rubbing his face in the process. "It's fine. I just hate him so much. I don't know why I kept his number." Yoongi nods as Taehyung speaks.

"Taehyung, I'm really sorry that you did that, but I need that money. I've been saving up to get my own studio and I threw it all away for you. It's been my lifelong dream to produce music. Ever since I was 14."

"I know, Yoongi. I know. I don't know what to do." Taehyung sighs sadly before holding his head in his hands. "Give me one week with him." Yoongi suddenly says, breaking the silence. "What?" Taehyung asks as if he's been in a trance.

"Just give me a week with Jungkook."

"Yoongi, I can't just give him away. It would break his heart."

"Can you ask him?"

"Ask him? Are you crazy? He'd be so ups-"

I speak out against the two, breaking their fight. "You don't have to ask me." Taehyung quickly turns to see me on the stairs. "J-Jungkook...I...how long have you been there?" I walk down the stairs, tripping a bit from the pain that still lingered around my legs. "What's going on?" Yoongi asks.

I walk over to Taehyung and take his laptop. Yoongi gasps as he sees me. "You said a week with you?" I asks. Yoongi nods, still in disbelief. "Fine then. I'll be over tomorrow. Get Jimin out of there. Goodnight, Yoongi." I close the laptop and throw it on the couch, looking up at Taehyung who had been staring the entire time. Tears stain his cheeks as he walks over to me. "Why didn't you say-" "Who the hell is Jin?"

Taehyung gulps as he hears the question. "Baby, let me-" "Who is he?" Taehyung sighs, seating himself on the couch once more. He pats the seat next to him, signaling me to sit down.

"Jin is...well he's an old friend." Taehyung begins. "You didn't make him sound like a friend." I spit at him, causing him to hang his head.

"Jin, Yoongi, and I all met in college. We were all such good friends. We went to parties together, went to the movies, and all sorts of things. But Jin wanted more from us. From me."

"He told me he ran a business. I was curious and asked him about it. He said I could stop by the next day. So, he picked me up from my dorm and drove me to his own house. I was confused at first, but he explained it and it terrified me."

"He told me he ran a...sexual business. He would pay men and women, he was bisexual, to sleep with him. It was basically prostitution."

As Taehyung continues his story, I can feel my heart shatter. Tears form in the crevices of my eyes, threatening to fall. "Jungkook? You alright?" He asks. I shake my head, allowing the tears to fall. I look up at him, sobbing. "Hey, hey, hey. It's alright, baby. Come here." Taehyung reaches out to hug me, but I dodge his embrace.

Taehyung gives me a confused look. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Why won't you hug me?" I blink, feeling more tears rush down my face. "You...you slept w-with another man a-and didn't tell me?"

Taehyung's eyes fill with sorrow. "Baby, it didn't mean anything. It was just so I could get you back." He stands, approaching me. I back away, not trusting Taehyung like I did before. "Baby, please don't do this to me. I love you, the sex was meaningless with Jin."

I can't control my tears. I fall to my knees, crying myself into a puddle of tears. Taehyung kneels down to me, holding my head in my hands. "Baby, listen to me. I wanted to be with you since the moment I saw you. So when you were taken away from me, I broke down. I was a complete mess."

Taehyung wipes my tears away, calming me down a bit. "I only did what I did so I could get closer to getting you back. You're my everything, Jungkook. I would never, ever sleep with another man to hurt you." Taehyung places a soft kiss on my lips. "I'm sorry baby. So fucking sorry." He says, helping me up. I look up at Taehyung with tear stained cheeks. "Taehyung?" I ask softly. "Yes, baby?" I take his hand and look into his soft brown eyes. "Don't curse, it's impolite."

Oh maN HoLy sHiT. This chapter came to me in a dream last night. I was really excited to write it, so heRe YoU gO. Hopefully, you all enjoyed. Stay tuned! ~Emily

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