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"One day I will write a whole book full of words and poetry but you won't be the inspiration behind it."


Taehyung's POV:

Friday nights are quite crowded, especially old men. Must be their only time to have a good amount of alcohol in their system, mess around while thier wife and kids wait for them, no idea that their old man is getting some.

I not just assuming stuffs here but I've seen it with my own eyes... My own dad did that.

Life's now always bed and roses they say, well who are we to disagree.

Dirty old pigs.

"One Gucci glass spice" someone's voice snapped me out of my disturbed thoughts.

A woman. A very beautiful woman to be specific.

Dressed more maturely that she actually maybe. Her body screamed "I have a boyfriend, just wanna have a drink... You can look but don't touch." Kind of vibe.

I like challenges and so, as she smiled at me with flirty eyes I was fully pumped up for it.

Oohhh I can do this all day baby.

With the constant judgements on my head (Good ones) I gave her a straight nod and went on to prepare her drink.

The I am not interested look game always gets them more needy.

I placed her drink on the table and surprisingly she took the whole drink in one glup.

I'm starting to like this day after all.

Her beautiful voice spoke again."Can I get another one"

I could feel that she was trying to get my attention, probably thinking I was not interested in her. Got you right where it hurts girl.

Usually I would Dodge this kind of attitude from customers but she was different. She was interesting, and also I wanted to see how far she would go to get my attention.

I decided to keep my smirk for later as I pulled on a straight face again without looking at her, as I'm walking away I hear her grunt and curse under her breath. Damn, she cute.

I have to step up my game now.....

I walked up to one of my part timer."hey, take up the orders for now... I have some work to do." And with that I left the counter to change.


After an hour or so of good rest I headed back to the bar. As I reached the dance floor I noticed a small group of people and an oddly familiar voice. As I neared the crowd the voice was more clearer and by that time I definitely knew to whom that voice belonged to.

"Fuk leave me" I saw her struggling under a man's arm and my blood boiled at that sight for some unknown reason. I was furious, clearly she was being dragged unwilling.

And trust me when I say this, I wanted to tear this man alive.

No women should ever experience this kind of misbehaving and fear. But I have to keep my cool. I'm gonna deal with this bastard in my own sweet time and he's gonna regret ever touching her.

Or any other women. *Coughs

I catch her hand and pulled her towards me, away from that freak. She whipped her head with utter shock and fear written on her face. Her face. She was crying.

I grimaced. I was going to definitely torture him to death.

She was relieved to see me and my heart glowed as she smiled.

"Please please help m-"

"You have unpaid bills ma'am, please pay before you leave or I'll have to call the police on you." I cut her off and quickly headed for the drink counter. I couldn't look at her face. I was fustrated and angry, if I stayed any longer I would kill that man then and there.

Not now Taehyung, not now.... All at its Right time.

I pulled her bill out and put it on her drink table and waited patiently for her to return. I knew that bastard wouldn't do anything, now that I've threatened to call the police.

But he had something worse coming for him than police. Me.

Oh no no wait wait hold up. I know what you're thinking... So let me get this straight. First of all, I am not doing this for that woman, I would do it for any other woman. Secondly, I'm also doing this because that fuker had the nerve to cause a scene inside my bar and disturb the peace and harmony of my bar. He just can't get away with that so easily nuh uh.

I saw her walking towards me... I mean towards the table, swaying her hips like a fuking angel. Oh what the hell Taehyung, you're not supposed to let the readers know about this.

*Coughs again

She slowly sat on the table with her eyes on me.

"Here's your bill ma'am would you like to pay with cash or card?" I slide the bill further towards her.

I notice her sliding as if she had no control over her body.

Whatever happened next was like lighting speed.

All I could register was her vomit all over my precious counter with her head on top of it and I realized why she was swaying her hips on the first place.

She was fooking drunk ladies and gentlemen.

Forgive me lovely readers.
I have no idea what I'm writing 😂😂😂

I have no control on my hands too.. just like Bee😁😁😁

What do you think Taehyung do other that owning a bar.

Is he a bad boy or a good boy??

Until next time take care peepsss😚😚😚

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