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"Baby take a chance, I want you to be mine."


Sitting on the couch and Sipping coffee, Tae felt different today.
Tae was a loner,he liked the idea of serenity. He could do anything without anyone objecting it.
But today he felt like he was known to the world again. like the times when he was a kid, he would play in the park all day and return back home to his mother waiting for him to eat dinner, the same feeling he felt when his mother greeted him while opening the door.... That similar feeling.... he felt it today.
May be it was because he was going to debut today and get was been hired by a huge company.

"That must be it" he thought to himself. Or was the reason something else.... He knew it was not only because of that but he was too afraid to admit it. He could not afford to go through all the pain of loosing something he wanted.

He took a last sip of his coffee and stood up. "let's shine now shall we.."
He proceed towards the bathroom as he had to get ready for his new fresh start, when suddenly he tripped on something...


"Phone?.. which is totally not min-" his heart suddenly starting beating mercilessly and his hands started to become sweaty realizing whose phone it was..

"Yah yah Kim Taehyung focus! Pabo, now she has to keep her deal" a creepy smile formed in his lips without his knowledge and his heart felt warm after so long.


"I want you, to be precise"

Y/n eyes bulged out as if it was going to come out any moment.
"W-hat do ... y-you mea-n.. "she hesitated.Tension over clouding her thoughts, she could not thing straight.

Taehyung was enjoying the sight, how she was totally affected by his present, the closeness between the two of them, the touch felt so familiar..... Like home...
"I mean I want you.......... He pulled the girl more closer to his body leaning into her neck, To buy me a cup of coffee." Tae let go of her with made her look up to his face with bewilderment written all over her face. He girn widely.

"Why? What were you thinking" a smirk formed on Tae's lips.
...A deep pink color flushed in y/n's cheeks. "Igghh.. gosh y/n what were you thinking"

"So...Deal?" Taehyung reached for her hand.

Y/n nervously took his hand

End of flashback*

Taehyung laughed to himself thinking about it, when suddenly he was interrupted by a knock on his door. He was not expecting anyone at the moment, he went to the door and open it...


"Hi" You squeaked awkwardly...
You were so happy a few minutes back when you finally managed to get out of this man's house but you had to, you had to leave you phone behind.

So with no choice left you went back to his house to fetch your phone.

"Did something happened?" Taehyung concerned amused you.

"Ummm... Yeah... I left my phone behind" you slowly walked inside as he moved away from the door to let you in.

"I won't be long... I'll just quickly get my phone and move out of your way.. just don't mind me" you said as your eyes moved around the house looking around for your phone.

"Are you looking for this" he said, flicking the phone in front of your face, with a silly smile.

You returned a goofy smile, while trying to reach for the phone. He pulled his hand back just as you were to grab it.

"Ughh, I'll kick you so hard where the sun doesn't shine Mr. Now give me back my phone" you half joked.

"Okay okay" he quickly surrendered handing you the phone. And you have him a satisfied smirk in return.

"Okay then, I'll be off now." You turned, walking out of the door finally, to never face this embarrassment.

"Wait, let me drive you home" he offered. "I'm going out for some work anyway so..." He went inside his room to take his keys, not even waiting for your answer.

Not like you were going to say no to a free ride anyway. But he doesn't need to know that.

There you go people..
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Happy reading 🤗

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