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"..I never had the Guts to say but now I'm asking you to stay, for a little while inside my heart.."


I woke up with a sharp pain in my head.

Yup... all thanks to my wonderful idea of having fun, I totally deserved this punishment for the happy shots you took yesterday.

"I'm never drinking vodka ever again.." I tried to look around as I pulled my hair to reduce the pain.
The first thing I noticed was WHITE and it wasn't because it was too bright but literally the whole room was white include the blanket and the bed.

Is this a torture room? What normal human would design a whole room white with white everything, the bed, the drawer, and all the other stuffs inside the room which I couldn't make up because it's all white.

Okay enough of white, I need to get out of here.

I removed the blanket off ready to move out of the bed when suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist pulling me towards it. The person smelled like vanilla, another thing that reminded me of white.

It surely wasn't Yoongi. He never was a white person even though he was a neat freak he was more of a black person.

I slowly turned my head towards that person, praying that it wasn't an old psychotic man but then you saw a young face whose eyes were looking at you with the brightest angelic smile I've ever seen ( shit Y/n focusss)

Oh yes, he looked quite familiar.

You gasped, "You're the bartender for that bar."

I was too shocked to even make a perfect sentence. So I decided that the best thing I could do was to run for the door and never look back.

I jumped out of the bed and rushed to take my belongings and proceeded to the door. I could hear him walking behind me.

"Yah! Jagi, why are you so in a hurry."

I stopped there frozen... I turn back to face him, the first thing my eye catched was his gorgeous abs,

*gosh he is hottt and super tall and shirtless and he is coming towards me.......... Too near*

As I tried to keep my personal space by stepping back,I dropped all of my stuffs. Yes, my phone and my purse and my shoes, all kissing the floor once again.

I looked up at him and he had this naughty smirk on his face with surprisingly amused me rather that feeling angry or scared. But he was still a stranger and so I put my hands between us to create some distance.

"Hello there tall guy, you're too near for my liking. Step away" you arched your brows for more effect.

He grinned sweetly.

"Ahhh... I see that you've forgotten my name" He moved more towards you, your palms touching his naked abs. He slowly tugged your hair behind your ear. "you can call me Tae.... Or your man? After what happened last night. You sure you don't want me close to you like last night? "He smirked

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